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no it doesn't work but then i actually went and did exercise (sit ups, runs etc) and i lost fat! :o omg isn't that surprising?

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Q: Can wrapping your stomach in plastic wrap burn belly fat?
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What is meant by lose belly fat fast?

Belly fat is exactly what it sounds like. It is just fat that has built up on the muscles in your stomach. Anything that hangs or is jiggly when you bend over is belly fat. When they say reducing belly fat they are trying to burn off all the extra fat on your stomach.

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Yes, eggs can burn belly fat. Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, extra energy is demanded by our body to metabolize them. This is how it helps in reducing belly fat.

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What can I do to get my belly flat?

In order to get a flat stomach, the most important factor is reduce the amount of sugary and fatty foods you consume. Then you need to be able to burn fat through aerobics. You cannot expect to see a flatter stomach by only to abs workout, those will only build muscle, not burn the fat you want to get rid of.

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It doesn't burn holes in your stomach because we all have a lining in our very own stomach.

How do you burn my stomach fat and i need flat belly?

To burn stomache fat and get a flat belly, do not try to find the easy way out, through medicine, drugs, machines, etc. To answer your question, you need to do crunches/sit up each day until a point that a bit beyond the point that you start to feel a "burning" and soreness sensation in your stomach or abdominal area. Doing crunches will work out your abs. Leg lifts, and other abdominal workouts will also help.

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Does bodybuilding help belly fat?

Bodybuilding, or weight training, is an excellent way to help burn belly fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn, thus belly fat will reduce significantly.