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Put simply, yes, you can buy Travel Insurance or travel health insurance without primary insurance. That's just as well, as your primary insurance may not cover you (or cover you completely) when you travel overseas.

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Q: Can you buy secondary travel insurance without primary insurance?
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Are the primary waves faster then the secondary waves?

Primary seismic waves travel the fastest.

Why secondary waves cannot travel trough liquids?

It's not so much whether they are primary or secondary; the waves that can't travel through liquids, or gases for that matter, are transverse waves.

Is travel health insurance worth it?

Travel health insurance lets you see any doctor, anywhere you are. Normal health insurance does not allow that and only allows you to see your primary doctor. With travel health insurance, you are protected no matter where you are. So, yes, travel health insurance is worth it.

Which forms of matter can primary and secondary seismic waves travel through?

Primary seismic waves are longitudinal waves. Longitudinal waves can travel through solids, liquids and gasses (although seismic waves are of to low a frequency to normally be heard). Secondary seismic waves are transverse waves and only travel through solids.

What type of seismic wave does not travel through the core?

Primary waves ( P-waves) can travel through earth's outer core.

Which is faster a primary wave or a secondary wave?

Primary waves are the fastest seismic waves originating from an earthquake, traveling at 6 to 7 km per second. Secondary waves travel at about 3.5 km per second.

Do ocean waves travel faster or slower than primary waves or secondary waves?

only faster not slower.

Can you go abroad without travel insurance?

Yes, you can. Does not mean you SHOULD.

Is post office travel insurance worth the cost?

Travel insurance is always a good idea. One never knows when disaster may strike and without insurance the out of pocket costs can be devastating. Not all post offices carry travel insurance, it depends on your location.

What is the definition of a primary and secondary seismic waves?

Primary wave- (P-waves) travel through solids liquids and gas. push/pull or compress waves. They travel faster and arive at seismic stations first. Secondary waves-(S-waves) travels ONLY through solids. moves side to side. Gets to the seismic stations second. I hope that helps!!

What type of wave cannot travel completely through water?

The S Wave (Secondary Wave) cannot travel through water. On the P Wave (Primary Wave) and the Surface Wave can travel through water.

What are three different types of industries?

"Primary industry" - sometimes called the primary sector of the economy - produces food and raw materials."Secondary industry" makes things."Tertiary industry" distributes to people the things the primary and secondary sectors have produced and also provides services like travel, banking or education.