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No. To be safe, anticipate 72-96 hours depending on the regularity and size of the dosage, your BMI, and how much water you drink. Most standard drug tests test for the metabolites of hydrocodone (vicodin), codeine, morphine, and 6-acetylmorphine (heroin) as they all end up the same after your liver is done with them. Oxycodone is metabolized into something different and it costs a lot more to test for it, so it is often left out of the opiate panel. Many probation departments and even doctors are unaware of this, but don't chance it. Doctor's will test you to see if you are selling it instead of taking it. Some of those detox drinks with a lot of B-vitamins and creatine will help mask the presence of opiates by flushing your kidneys and bladder to below threshold levels (but temporarily) and they only work if you have 48 HOURS CLEAN prior to taking the drink and you time it perfectly to the urinalysis. Large doses of water, which are part of the detox drink process, might be the cause of the flushing so it could be a waste of money for the drink. Some urinalysis will also be disqualified due to high presence of creatinine in urine, and they'll make you wait a few hours in which case you will become dirty because the flush is temporary. This is also the case with too much water, they'll make you wait and you'll end up dirty. Good luck if you you only have 2 days clean, but for the best case you want 96 hours and take 100% rda of all B vitamins and drink at least a gallon of water per day, and get some cardio to hype up your metabolism. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OR TAKE ACETOMINAPHEN (tylenol) as they are hard on your liver and will reduce it's ability to filter out the opiate metabolites.

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14y ago
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13y ago

just drink a couple shooters of vinegar, with a time lap between them for your 2 days

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12y ago

No you can not clean out your system in 2 days , if smoked in the last week or soo, it would take a month to clean out

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Q: Can you clean out oxycodone of your system in two days?
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You don't. Happy unemployment because you couldn't stay off the weed.

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for it to get out of your BLOOD, its usually only 3-4 days. rarely more then a week.

You are 180 pounds and you only smoked once in two months will two gallons of water clean your system in two days?

after two months your system is already cleared out. marijuana stays in your system for 3 days to a month. if your really worried about it, some say that drinking vinigar can wash it out but im sure your fine (:

If im 5'6 and havent smoked in months and if i take two hits of weed will i be clean for a drug test in 8 days?

it should be out of your system in 4 days

What is the Time period from being drug tested to getting the results?

the waiting period is two days. the clean period is a week. so if you do drugs it takes a week to get it out of your system and two days to discover if it's there or not.

Was clean for 45 days Then Puffed the blunt twiceHow long will it be in my system I am 165lbs 5'9 average?

Two tokes should be out of your system in about 2 days. Even if you were a wake and baker before the 45 days, it would all be out by now. So all you have are the two tokes which could be out in a day but the max would be 3 days.

If you took two hits of a joint 5 days ago should you be clean already?

No THC shows in your system for a very long time.

How much water do you have to drink to clean your system of cocaine and marijuana in two days?

It won't happen in 2 days. THC lasts for 2 mos or more in the body and you can't hide it

How do you clean cocaine from your system?

After two days, the cocaine should be washed out of your system, if you have a slow metabolism it may take three days, although detoxing isn't quite necessary after two days. If you insist upon detoxing, exercise frequently and fast, if possible attend saunas so as to initiate fat-burning and the removal of accumulated drug metabolites and byproducts.Cocaine generally clears the human body within 3 to 5 days. The best way to "clean one's system" of any substance is abstinence.