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Yes. They make good flowers and they won't die easily.

wait until the leaves start to go flat towards the ground, then you can cut them to about 1 inch above the ground, so it will not look messy

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11y ago

yes because if you cut off the stem it will bloom again

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8y ago

An Iris will rebloom the next year if you cut the stem.

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Q: Can you cut the tulip stems after they stop flowering?
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When do you cut back lupine?

If you cut back the flowering stems of lupins after the flowers have faded you will get a secondary flowering. Any other cutting back should be to the ground in Spring when growth restarts.

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Can I assume you mean Wisteria? If that is the case summer pruning is the proper way to control it and encourage flowering. Shorten back the shoots that grow from the main stems after flowering.

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they DO bloom, in fact tulips, the flower, still grow at night once they are cut:)

How do you prune a Lavatera plant?

Perennial lavateras are notoriously short-lived, and pruning them properly can extend their lives. Immediately after flowering cut back all the flowering stems to prevent the plant setting seed. Setting seed tends to weaken the plant and may reduce its lifespan. This also reduces wind-rock in the winter. Water it with a balanced fertiliser. In early spring cut the branches back to a foot from the ground and remove any dead branches, scatter a granular fertiliser around it, rake it in and give it a thorough watering. These fertilisers last a whole season. Scatter some slug pellets around it, as slugs and snails love the new shoots. When you prune the plant take some cuttings of non-flowering stems 3-4 inches long - they root very easily. If you want to have especially large flowers, you can cut back the flowering stems a little in early June, but don't overdo it.

Do you cut the tops off of your peonies in the fall?

In the fall, you can trim your peonies down to about three inches above the ground, according to the NC State Web site, below. Cut off the flowering stems after they have flowered and give a top dressing af fertilizer and then ignore,

Can you cut down the stems on potatoes?

You can cut down the stems on a potatoes but this may slow their overall growth. The stems are a vital part of the plant which provide nutrients and grow considerably as it does.

When do I prune Camilla's?

In Spring after flowering if pruning is necessary.

Do you deadhead salvia flowers?

It is better to deadhead all annuals as when they set seed they stop flowering.

Do you cut off the leaves of a tulip if they are floppy?

Do not cut the leaves until they have yellowed. If they are green, they are still photosynthesizing.

Can you cut back a fuschia bush while it is flowering?

You can ,but why would you? The right time to prune a Forsythia is immediately after flowering.

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Do you cut your marijuana plant when its flowering?

nope that means your too late. the buds are what you cut, not the flowers