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Although copyright does apply to computer software and related IP, the law consistently fails to keep up with technology. As a result, we rely on ethics to fill in the gray areas: this action may not be explicitly prohibited in the law, but it seems like it would hurt someone else, so I won't do it.

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Because very few copyright infringers are ever discovered, it requires more than a fear of being prosecuted to encourage respect of the law. More often, it is an ethical question: if you know you're not going to get caught, your ethics and morals help you decide whether to do the right thing.

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Probably the simplest way to differentiate between ethics and law is the consequences of violating them. If you are unethical, you might get sued but may not go to jail. There are typically no criminal penalties for not adhering to reasonable computer ethics codes. Computer law, on the other hand, usually carries criminal penalties if you violate them - including potential imprisonment, fines, and seizure of assets. Those violating computer laws may also be forbidden to possess or access computer systems as part of their penalties or parole conditions.

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Computer ethics is a body of principles/behaviors that are considered as acceptable for all parties in the computing world to follow. Computer ethics are rules of law but some rules are derived from them.

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Distinguish between ethics and the law in relation to media law and ethics?

People are confused that law and ethics are same things but they are different from each other. But they both maintaine moral values and keep preventing voilation. Law are written and aproved documents where as ethics also written words(most times) but they are not carrying legal status. Ethics helps a professional, practitioner and expert in following law. In any trade there are code of conduct and law as well and what expert describe that both mend to be obeyed. But unfortunately nobody following law in true manner. if the condition of law is that then expect whats the condition of ethics. it is also defined as "the descipline with what is good and bad or right and wrong or moral duty and obligation....While the LAW is an assumption is often made that what is right is also what is legal and what is legal is also what is right....

What is the difference between law and ethics?

differences between law and ethic . A law is something you must obey. Ethics is how society expects you to behave.

How harmony is established between law and ethics?

The law is based on the state to compensate for loss and punish those that have done misdeeds. Ethics is the moral conduct that cultures agree upon. The convergence of law and ethics is when ethics and law coincide.