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Historical artifacts tend to support 'visitations' from the sky almost as far back as the origin of humans. From ancient coins to middle-age paintings, it seems earthlings have been observed from above. By whom, we just don't know.

Meaning simply Unidentifed Flying Object, UFO watching became, at first American, and later the world, an obsession with the crash in Roswell, NM, in 1947. Eyewitnesses claimed to have found a spacecraft that had crashed on a privately owned ranch outside of Roswell. The first persons to the site prior to military takeover also claimed to three small beings, two deceased, one still walking around.

Once the US Military was apprised of the situation, the area was swiftly shut down and the surrounding area was secured from prying eyes. There were also many sightings around the same time in the Pacific Northwest. If the US military wanted to keep this a secret, they went about it in the wrong way. They gave credence to coverup conspiracies which made people more curious.

Today there are about 600 sightings every year world-wide, the US reporting the most. With the advance of technology, these sightings have been recorded thanks to the cell phone/cameras and inexpensive. lightweight digital video recorders. People that study the UFO phenomenon are called Ufologists. Grays* are now part of modern culture and the subject is of great interest to millions. It is important to understand that many of the yearly reported sightings can be explained as natural occurances or human generated aircraft.

*Grays:the name given to the beings that have been seen by humans. Officially there are four or five different types, but all usually described as gray in color.

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