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Yes, you can file an adoption without a attorney, but it sort of all depends on where you live, i live in Tennessee, but in some states you may need one. The best thing to do would be to go to the courthouse where you would fill out the papers and ask.

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Yes, but it's not easy.

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Q: Can you file for full custody without an attorney?
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You file a motion with the court.

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You can re-file in Family Court to amend the Full Custody and Support Order.

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No, you slowly make it harder, i.e. first use half, if father continues declining, file full custody

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You would petition for custody at the family court in your jurisdiction. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. There is a greater chance of success with an attorney who knows the law, knows the court and knows the personalities of the judges.

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Yes, it is necessary to hire an attorney if you are trying to keep full custody of your child. To learn more, visit

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File a motion for full guardianship of a child in need of care.

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Well you can but the court will not find that a good reason to take custody away from her.

I'm trying to get custody of my younger sister my mom oks it but said she had signed court papers saying she gave full custody to my dad. Is this legal and or possible without going to court?

If the original decree gave full custody to the father, then only the father can relinquish said custody. You will need to hire an attorney to figure out the legal implications required to take on such a task. But is it possible to give away custody of her without going to court? All my mom did was sign papers and send them to my dad who has not even filed them.

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You must return to court to petition for a modification of the custody order. You should seek the advice of an attorney who specializes in custody issues.

If an 18 yo moves with mother but father has full custody can mother file for custody?

Generally, custody orders end at age eighteen and the child can choose where she wants to live.

Is it possible for a man in Illinois to file for divorce and have it granted and receive full custody of the children without the wife knowing about it?

In a divorce, the other spouse has to be notified of the motion for divorce, and they also have to be notified of your intention to sue for custody fo the children. So, no, it's not possible to be granted a divorce or custody of the children without the other spouse being notifiied of the intent.