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If you are being asked to resign, it sounds like a polite way to lay you off, but the employer is hoping that, by "resigning", you would be classified as a "quit" and therefore ineligible for unemployment benefits. Ask your state's employment security office for their opinion and advise.

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Q: Can you file for unemployment if you are asked to resign in North Carolina?
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In this state, if you work part time, you do not get unemployment. If your employer wants you to take extended unpaid leave and you take it, you can get unemployment. You took leave because your boss asked you to. That choice is like, resign or I will fire you. If your boss will not hire you back immediately, this state gives you unemployment under those circumstances. If you refuse to take either option and you are fired, you can get unemployment. It is obvious that your boss is giving you the choice of take part time work or quit only is not putting it to you in quite those terms.