

Can you find the range of two numbers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes you can. You subtract the smallest number from the largest.

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Q: Can you find the range of two numbers?
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To find range you simply subtract the highest and lowest numbers in a set. So that means to find two numbers with a range of 7, you must choose two numbers that are 7 apart.Some numbers with a range of 7 are:-3 and 40 and 73 and 10

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You add the two numbers in the middle of your range and then you divide them by two, or just find the number that is halfway between the two numbers, and you then have your median.

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What do you do if there are two numbers left in the middle of the range?

If you are trying to find the median, it's the average of the two.

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To find mean: add all the numbers and divide by the amount of numbers. To find medium: put the numbers in order and find the middle value. If there are two, add them and divide by two. To find mode: find the number that appears most often. To find range: subtract the lowest number from the highest number.

What is the range of 200 and 2400 in math?

the range is just how many numbers are between the two that are given. to find the range simply subtract the smaller of the two from the greater: 2400-200=2200 the range is 2200 because there are 2200 numbers between 200 and 2400.

How do you find the range when all the numbers are the same?

If all the numbers are the same, the set has no range. The range is zero.

How do you calculate the range between two numbers?

The range of two numbers, or a set of numbers (more than two numbers) is the difference between the greatest number and the smallest number (numerically). Hope this helps!

How do you work out range of number?

To find the range between two numbers you subtract the lower number from the higher number and Presto! you have the range. ex. What is the range between 10 and 20? 10. Another way is to simply put the numbers like this 10-20.

Why do you have to divide by 2 when you find the range?

No!(example) 1336578688(in order) 1335667888The range is when you find the difference between the lowest and highest numberThe range of these numbers:- 7The mean is when you add up all the numbers and divide the total by the amount of numbers there isThe mean of these numbers:- 55The mode is the highest occurring numberThe mode of these numbers:- 8The median is the middle number (if two different numbers the number in the middle)The median of these numbers:- 6

How do you find the range of numbers if there are two of the largest number?

That doesn't matter. Subtract the smallest number from either one of them.

How do you find a range in numbers?

the range of the number is the maximum minus the minimum.