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Depends on why you signed them away. If it was for temporary treatment you can but not if the child was adopted. When it comes to foster care. the court would have to be convinced the situation has changed and that you wont do it again.

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If you sign over your parental rights in a court of must go back and petition the court to regain your parental rights.

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Q: Can you get your legal rights back of your child after signing rights over?
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You dint now what you were signing at court you dint go before the judge and your child's father sign his rights over is there any going back?

You didn't read what you were signing?

How do you get my child back from the father if he has no legal rights?

If you have custody and the father keeps the child with him without your permission you can call the police for kidnapping.

If you sign over your rights to a child do you still owe child support?

Not from that moment but you still owe if you owed prior to the signing away. Someone else paid for your child and should get their money back.

Can a parent get back a child after signing off on them?


Is it legal for an adoptive parent to give child back to parent whose rights were terminated?

Not without the legal system involved. Not without the legal system involved.

Can A father who signs over his parental rights get visitation?

No. You would be signing away your rights to visitation. A parent generally signs away their rights in preparation for a legal adoption.

What rights do legal guardian have when a birth mother is trying to take back their child after four years?

Since you are the legal guardian she has to go to court to get them back. What happens there depends on the situation.

If a mom signs over her rights due to defiant behaviors from the minor child is she obligated to pay child ssupport?

by "signing over rights" I persume you mean, terminating her parental rights and no, she is not obligated to pay child support, however, any accumulated back child support, or "arrears" is required to be paid, unless agreed otherwise. For this you would have had a prior order to pay support prior to the terminating of the mother's rights. When your rights to a child is terminated it is as if the child was never yours and your rights to the child, and obligation for the child are forever terminated.

How do you regain custody or parental rights after being coerced into signing over rights to your grandmother?

You need a good lawyer and have to go back to court. Coercion is hard to prove. You have to try for the parental rights first but courts are not that keen on giving it back. They are scared you might do it again and they think about the child. Talk to a lawyer about your chances.

Can guardians relinquish child back to parents after parents rights were terminated?

No as that would be considered child abandonment.

Can someone get the vehicle back after signing a car title over?

Sorry to say but no. It is a legal agreement.

Can you get legal rights back as a father if i already sign rights over?

yes u may