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No. In order to contract HIV you would also have to have had contact with their blood or semen.

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11y ago

Only if the sexual partner is infected with HIV. there has to be also a way for the virus to enter the body, blood stream. a open wound, cut, bad or rotting teeth for example.

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12y ago

No, you cannot get HIV if the person who was bleeding in you is not HIV positive. You must be exposed to HIV to get HIV.

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Q: Can you get HIV if someone bleed inside of you but they dont have HIV?
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you dont have to be homosexual to contrspt the HIV virus. In most cases, a healthy amout of the virus is already inside of you. You can contrapt it from unprotected sex or coming into contact with someone who has the virus's blood.

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you get HIV where the sun dont shine. its like a bacterica we get through sex.

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I dont get it they say if you make out with someone you'll get HIV but it is only for people who are infected by it right?

"Making out" with someone is not considered an "at-risk" activity for HIV infection. HIV is the virus that causes a person to develop AIDS. HIV is transmitted by contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. Saliva does not pose a risk for infection.

How can you analyze the person affected from aids?

the majority of people who get HIV aids are in ledcs especially southern Africa this is because countries dont have the right amount of money for medicines which would cure HIV. Aids is developed into HIV. someone who has hiv aids has a sexually transmitted disease.

Can one contract HIV by having intercourse with a person who is not HIV positive?

It is possible to have a false negative HIV test, particuarly early in infection with HIV. If a partner has a true negative HIV test, it's not possible to get HIV from them.

Can you get HIV if you catch chickenpox from someone with HIV?

Yes, a history of herpes doesn't provide immunity from chickenpox.

How does someone get diagnosed with HIV?

By taking an hiv test

Can you be infected by touching someone HIV Positive?

You can't get infected with HIV from someone coughing on you.

Can you get hiv afterdrinking after someone if yiur lips arechapped and a little bloody?

No, you will not get HIV from drinking after someone.

Can hiv be contracted from bathroom taps?

only if you mount them so aggressively that you bleed from your urethra