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Yes, you run the risk of contracting food poisoning from eating any form of undercooked meat or fish.

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14y ago
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13y ago

I wouldn't eat it if it hasn't been chilled. If it was refrigerated then I would smell it, if it smells good I will munch out. Don't get sick much

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9y ago

No, you will most likely not get sick from eating undercooked pasta. If you consume a lot of raw pasta it may however upset your stomach.

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9y ago

Under cooked chicken could cause salmonella or other food poisoning. Inducing vomiting is not a good idea. It is best to go to an emergency room if symptoms of food poisoning are suspected.

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12y ago

Salmonella, e-coli

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Q: Should you induce vomiting after eating undercooked chicken?
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What happens when you eat salmonella?

Salmonella poisoning stems from individuals eating undercooked meats especially chicken. The most common symptoms that happen after consuming salmonella are diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration in the body.

Are there any side effects from eating chicken liver?

If properly prepared, there should be no side effects from consuming chicken liver. If left undercooked, then the same risks (salmonella etc.) as regular chicken meat is present.

Which food contamination is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Yes, among others. Salmonella bacteria can cause food poisoning. Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps and sometimes vomiting and fever. Symptoms usually last for four to seven days.You usually get salmonella by eating contaminated food. Salmonella bacteria live in the gut of many farm animals and can affect undercooked meat, raw eggs, undercooked poultry and raw milk.It should be noted that eating cookie dough that has raw eggs in it and eating "over easy" eggs are a real risk.

Is eating chicken okay after vomiting?

yes it will make you feel better.

What is wrong with eating pink chicken?

It depends on why it is pink. If it is pink because it is undercooked, you can get sick from salmonella and other bacteria. If it is pink from being smoked, there is no problem.

Why shouldn't eat uncooked food?

Fruits and vegetables are fine raw and very healthy, full of vitamins. Sushi is based on raw fish and many people drink raw eggs or eat them in meringue.But some foods should never be eaten raw. One runs the risk of Salmonella bacteria if eating undercooked chicken and thus this should never be done. Chicken should always be completely cooked. Another meat to always cook completely is pork. There are occasional risks when eating other undercooked meats, but they can be fine rare too.In general, assiduousness in ultimate cooking is serious about chicken and pork in particular and about everything else is to avoid nasty and unfortunate infections.

Can eating turkey even in small doses make humans sick?

If the turkey is undercooked or raw. Utherwise i say you should be fine!

How do humans get liver fluke disease?

Liver flukes can be caused by eating undercooked pork products. Undercooked pork contains a bacteria that can cause liver flukes.

What can be acquired by eating undercooked pork?

Food poisoning and tape worms.

What is the difference between a man-eating chicken and a man eating chicken?

A "man-eating chicken" is a chicken who has the ability and inclination to eat men. A "man eating chicken" is a man who is eating chicken.

Is chicken bad for your health?

it depedes on what kind of chicken your eating like if your eating KFC chicken its not healthey and if your eating a chicken burger its not healthey if your eating roast chicken for roast dinner its healthey some chickens are healthey and some are not

How do you get your dierea?

I suspect you mean diarrhea, the uncontrollable urge to go to the bathroom. You can get it from eating undercooked meat for one thing, especially chicken. I believe the symptoms of Salmonella poisoning include a good deal of unpleasant bathroom time.