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Each state has its own basis and it generally depends on total time worked in a base period (generally of 5 calendar quarters) and the amount of wages earned in that period. In other words, employment before the temp agency, could qualify you. Also, the reason for the firing plays an important part in the decision.

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No. You understood under the terms of the Temporary Agency that assignments are temporary, therefore the Agency is not liable for benefits.

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Q: If a temp agency fires you can you still get unemployment?
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If you resign from your job and then go work for a temp agency can you collect unemployment in between assignments?

You should contact your state unemployment agency for rules relevant to your situation in your state. The fact that you are unemployed is due to your own decision to resign, so that adversely impacts your ability to claim unemployment.

How do you get a job in as a mortgage loan processor with no experience?

Your best bet is to go through a temp agency. Your best bet is to go through a temp agency.

Can you collect Unemployment Benefits if you work for a temporary staffing firm and are not reassigned work by that firm?

Yes, if you worked there long enough to qualify. That is a very valid reason for collecting.Addendum:Be certain that you continue to report to the temp agency, and be very certain that you keep records of all contact. It is not unusual for temp agencies to dispute unemployment claims. Additionally, if you fail to take an assignment, you could be disqualifying yourself from future benefits.

Can you collect unemployment if you work through an agency?

Yes you can, but they don't pay anyway. The only way you can collect unemployment if you had a full time position and lost it (no fault of your own). You can't collect if you decided to work through an agency. They are temp work only. There is no guarantee that they will find you work every time you finish "a job" and is on their waiting list. You have to report your wages anyway. So, probably not.

Can you get disability for maternity leave if you are working for a temp agency?

yes you can. The liablity would fall under the agency you work for so when filing for disability you would use the temp agency not the actual company you are working for.

Who exactly would Randstad be?

Randstad is a temp agency that offers temporary job work for people. The Randstad temp agency finds temp work for people, and even can find long term jobs for some.

What percentage do temp agency get of your pay?

forty percent

What is my job title if you worked in a temp agency?


If you are working full time but have been put on temp layoff can you draw unemployment benefits if you are drawing Social Security benefits in North Carolina?

The below Related Link refers to as "if still attached to an employer's payroll not needing to register", apparently allowing unemployment for a temp layoff. You can draw Social Security benefits, regardless of temp layoff or any other employment situation because it is unrelated to employment issues.

What is the closest temp job agency to my location?

You can find the closest temp agency to you on a local website such as Whitepages or Yellow pages, or search for on closest to you, and find one closest to your location.

Would a temp staffing agency help me with new hires?

There are many great temp staffing agencies out there and they are just one click away! Also, ask other local business owners if they ever had to hire temp staff and ask what agency they used.

Should you put a temp agency on your resume if you had an argument with someone at that office?

Yes, even if the temp agency didn't assign you to any projects. When you enter a temp agency and fill out the paper work, you become an on-call employee while they try to find you work. If the company you are currently applying for does an in depth background check (usually high-end corporate jobs, government jobs or jobs that require you to be bonded) sees the temp agency listed and its not on your resume, they may disqualify your resume.