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If the business has WCI coverage. States make the laws governing WCI, not all business are required to belong. In most cases it depends upon the number of employees, type of business, and so forth. The amount the owner/employer pays for WCI is based upon risk factors, safety history, and other issues.

All 50 states require Workers Comp though most if not all have exemptions. In Texas, you can select a Non-Subscription product that's similar to Comp. Most if not all states allow you to self-insure if you have enough cash to set aside. Even if you exercise an exemption, you remain liable, so make sure you have plenty of cash for work-related injury claims if you don't carry coverage. Also, even if you don't think your employee would sue, their spouse or minor children who have to get through life on your employee's reduced salary if he has a major injury, or without his salary and companionship if he dies, may present an issue. In short, yes, please carry Comp.

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Q: Can you get workmen's comp if your business is run by family..Also if the daughter run off they can some one or find a job..?
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Related questions

Where can I get more info on getting a workmens comp lawyer.?

You can find lawyers in the phone book that specialise in workmens comp cases.Also there are lawyer refferal offices.Can check with Better business buero to see if any complaints on lawyer.

Is workers comp nc only for medical or does it cover vehicle damages?

Answer is No workmens comp is only applicable to injuries sustained while on the job, damages to a vehicle are not part of workmens comp.

Can you still get workmens comp if you had drugs in your system?


Do i need to file income taxes Workmens comp did not send you a1099?

Do i need to file income taxes ,workmens comp did not send me a 1099? I did not file last year 2007 because i asked workmens comp. for a 1099 they did not send i assumed i did not need to file. Can i file both years?

Can your job fire you if you are on workmens comp?

No they can't, if it has only to do with being on WC.

What is workmens comp?

A insurance provided by employers for injured employees. There is a provision in Texas law whereby an employer may elect not to purchase workmens' comp insurance. About 33% of Texas employers do not have WC insurance.

Can you still receive workmens comp after quiting?

It depends on the policy of your employer...I believe.

How may days do you have to be out of work before workmens comp pays you?

One week.

Are self employed owners who have no employees required to have workmens comp insurance?

You are allowed up to three employees before you have to do workman's comp.

If your an own your own business and work for someone get injured on the job get workmens comp can you still run your business?

Of course not. You are too injured to work. It's called fraud. Better hire a manager to work your company.

Can a person collect workmens comp and do work on the side?

yes, but if you get caught, you will lose the workman comp payments In other words, you can't do it legally.

Is employee responsible for paying workmens comp?

no, unless you owe them for a fraudulent claim you received funds from.