

Can you grow a pickle

Updated: 11/6/2022
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15y ago

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No, you have to pickle a cucomber.

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Q: Can you grow a pickle
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Can you grow a pickle plant?

you can grow cucumbers and pickle them...

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C - plasmolysisgood luck in biology!

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Grow a very large Pickle in your backyard garden, carve out the middle, make a hole for the face and two on the sides for arms. and there you go!

Is there such a thing as a real pickle plant that grows?

No, a pickle is a cucumber that has been soaked in vinegar for a long period of time. If you intend to make pickles, grow cucumbers.

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Yes, you need to put the sunflower seed in a pickle, then plant it in the ground. Make sure you use dill pickles, sweet ones aren't very good.

Will plants grow if they are watered with pickle juice?

yes, watering normal day plants

How do you make a pickle grow?

Whatever kind of pickle you have, whether an onion or a gherkin or whatever, the process of preserving it, e.g. soaking in vinegar, would render it incapable of growth.

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If you try to grow them in vinegar you will kill them. Vinegar is a preservative it is used to pickle things.

How do you grow pickles?

You just plant cucombers and then when their grown you pickle them.......

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my little pickle had a pickle that named his pickle pickle. pickle walked for a long pickle and then pickled. pickle was pickled, so he pickled. then he woke up and realized he was a dookie and not a pickle.