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No, only the court can permanently terminate parental rights. Courts are very reluctant to take away all parental rights except in extreme circumstances of neglect and/or abuse. After establishing paternity, a biological father has the legal right to seek custody or visitation privileges. He will also be held legally obligated to pay child support, provide adequate medical care and such other issues so ordered by the court.

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Q: Can you make the father sign over his parental rights even though there are no court documents?
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In the state of pa can a father have his rights terminated if there is no adoption taking place?

Properly, no. But, there are exceptions, though they usually apply to both parents losing parental rights.

Can biological father sign parental rights to child maternal grandmother even though grandmother and child not in the same home?

Only the courts can grant custody/parental rights. In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can a father terminate his parental rights in Louisiana?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

How does your child's father sign over his rights even though he is not on the birth certificate?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can a man who has been a father for five years lose his parental rights if he is not the biological father?

Unfortunately the law does not recognize a man or woman to be granted a parental rights even though they have taken it upon themselves to raise and nurture a child. Marrying someone with a child(ren) does not automatically confer the new spouse any legal rights concerning the child(ren). The law only recognizes such rights as belonging solely to a biological or adopter parent(s) or a legally appointed guardian.

When a father abandons his child does he still have rights?

Yes, he still has rights, though his history of non-involvement can be brought up in custody proceedings. A mother cannot withhold visitation for non-support of a child, nor can she interfere with a visitation court order.

Can a biological father seek custody after 4 years of no contact?

Yes he can since he still has his parental rights. He might only get visitation first though until they know each other better.

What does it mean when something is released by parents of their parental rights?

They are no longer responsible for you even though you are a minor

Can you choose who you want to live with even though your father doesnt have parental rights?

No. If your dad does not have parental rights he is not even considered an option. Around the age of 14 the court can decide to ask you for who you wish to live with but then it is between your parents, not other people which is what your dad then counts as legally. And the court is not obliged to follow your wish. Legally it is not your choice until you are 18yo.

What happens to visition rights of grandparents when the parent relinquishes his parental rights?

Though you can check with the group below, generally the same rules apply as in an adoption.

What do you need to do if the man that pays child support to your child is not the father?

If you are not collecting Welfare, and your intent is to release him from the obligation, a motion will need to be made to the court, however if he already has parental rights, stopping support will not include stopping his access rights. Also, though the mother can file to suspend support, the man cannot in most of the country, whether he is the father or not.

If you sign over your parental rights to a child do you still have to pay child support in tn?

Generally speaking, once parental rights (which is a different thing than custodial rights) are terminated a person is no longer responsible for child support. However, you cannot just "sign over" your parental rights. Parental rights can only be terminated by a judge, and unless it's a case of adoption (where someone else is willing to assume your parental responsibilities), the judge generally says "no, I won't allow it"