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No. The scary maze game is specifically made for the face to pop up. That is why it's called the "Scary" maze game.

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What website is the scary maze game?

its a game that will appear a scary ghost face when you complete the game.

Who plays scary face of scary maze game?

The Excorcist

Who is the scary face of the scary maze game?

the girl in the movie exorcist

Why is the scary maze game considered scary?

It is considered scary because on one of the levels when you finish a maze a scary face pops out and scares you

What scary face come out when you play scary maze game 2?

miley cyrus i think

What level is the scary face come up on scary maze game?

lvl 3 at the end

What are some scary maze games for the iPod Touch?

The three best scary maze games released for the iPod Touch are (in no specific order) Scary Maze Game Free, The Scary Maze Game, and Scary Maze Game (Prank)

Is there a scary maze game 12?

yes there is a scary maze game 12.

How do you play scary maze game?

I did play scary maze game on

What is scary maze game?

Scary maze game is the very crapping game. i see it on

What is the scary maze game all about?

The scary maze game is a game where you are a blue square and you try to lead with your mouse and bring it to the red end of the maze there are 3 levels each get harder and harder. Now here's the scary part on level three when you're about to complete level three there's a scary demon face.

What happen if you win the scary maze game?

You can't, a face pops out and tries to scare you.