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The best way is to cool it FAST. This will insure no bacteria can form. A icewater bath is the best way to cool hot food. Put the food in a sealed container and then put the container in a larger container that you can half fill with ice and water to cool the food down fast.

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16y ago
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14y ago

NO. let it cool a bit . put in shallow dish to let a lot of air get to it. Then cover it put in fridge . If its still a little hot it will be ok. Plac eit when the heat rising will not heat up other items in fridge. This is oK for the home cook. Not Professionals.

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16y ago

Yes, but it is best to cool hot food quickly to prevent any bacteria from forming on the food.

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13y ago

Yes, you may, but let it cool to room temperature for about 10 minutes or so before putting in the refrigerator.

Freeze any you don't eat the following day.

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13y ago

Yes it can if it is just off the heat but if u let it cool off no put it in when the chicken is warm

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13y ago

No, you do not put the turkey in your refrigerator after cooking. Give it time to cool down so your meat does not make you sick.

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13y ago

you need to let it cool off first then put it in the fridge covdered tightly

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11y ago

yes it is ok

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Q: Can hot cooked chicken be put in the fridge right away?
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The chicken must be cooked slower at a lower temperature. Try keeping it away from direct flame. You can also par-boil the chicken, boil first and then finish on the grill.

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It will be better when cooked.("'\(o.o)/"')

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Well if the chicken is uncooked put it in some water let the blood wash away in the water. Also, if it's cooked and there's still blood in the bones then,that mean's it's not fully cooked and need's to be cooked some more.

If turkey is cooked in morning does it need to be refrigerated right away?

no way

How do you store cooked homemade chicken nuggets?

After I fry my chicken...I cool it on a wire rack with newspaper underneath the rack to wick away grease. Whatever is left over, or if I'm not eating till much later, I do as KFC does...a disposable paper paint bucket from the hardware store is the perfect vessel, and just cover with plastic wrap and put in the fridge.

How long does cooked food last before needing refrigeration?

Any prepared foodstuffs should be brought out of the danger zone of 41 to 140 degrees as soon as is possible to avoid bacterial contamination. Cool it, wrap it and get it into the fridge or freezer right away, please.

Can you store marinated meats next to raw chicen?

Cooked meat should be stored away from raw meat. If stored in the same fridge, have the cooked meat on a shelf about the raw meat. This is to prevent juices and blood from dripping onto cooked meat should the raw meat be on a higher shelf.

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Many a child throws it away but adults like the crunch. It is even cooked and sold by itself in yakitori restaurants.

How long is chicken good if refrigerated?

Cooked chicken could be good up to 4 days. Raw chicken is best used within 1 or 2 days. You should store the chicken in the coldest part of the refrigerator for best shelf life or put it in freezer if not used within that time frame.Thawed chicken should be cooked as soon as possible. If not using the chicken immediately, store in the refrigerator and use within 24 hours of thawing. Thaw frozen chicken using one of three methods: in the refrigerator; in a cold water bath, changing the water every 30 minutes; or in the microwave. If using one of the last two quick-thaw methods, cook the chicken immediately. NEVER thaw chicken at room temperature. USDA recommends 1-2 days of refrigerated storage (40°F).Depending upon the packaging of the chicken, how it was handled in-transit, and the temperature in the refrigerator, the chicken could last longer. For example, some refrigerators have a special meat storage drawer where the temperature is just under 32°F which will allow more shelf life.Uncooked fresh chicken: less than 2-4 days in sealed packageCooked chicken: less than 5 days in sealed bag or Tupperware