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Pour hydrogen peroxide at 3% concentration into a spray bottle and spray it on the black mold. You need to use caution when using peroxide as a mold cleanup solution especially peroxide bleaches, so try not to use it on porous materials and fabrics. There are other solutions or chemicals you can use for those kinds of surfaces.-You can also use a bleach and water as a mold cleanup solution, but bleach does not kill the root spores. Bleach is just a temporary treatment for the affected area. Unless you get rid of the roots, mold will form again in that area eventually.

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Q: Can you remove black mold using hydrogen peroxide?
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Hydrogen Peroxide. It's a trick that doctors and nurses use. Be cautious using this on colors though; hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a bleach alternative, so you may want to test a small section first. Bonus: it's ridiculously inexpensive! :)

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