

Can you see chromosomes in x ray?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No it is not possible

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Q: Can you see chromosomes in x ray?
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An x-ray fish. There is indeed an X-ray fish, you can virtually see its bones.

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X-ray glasses do not work. That's science fiction. There are no X-ray glasses you can wear and see through things.

Can you give me a sentence using x-ray?

The x-ray was over exposed and was worthless. They decided to use an x-ray to see if any bones had been broken.

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Well you must first have an object to locate, a person to x-ray, and an x-ray machine, Take an x-ray image, then you look at the image and see where the object is located.

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TO SEE broken bones

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x ray

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To see what is wrong

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How do x ray machines work?

There are two important parts of an X-ray machine, the x-ray source and the x-ray detector.In your body, your bones are x-ray opaque-x-ray cannot pass through it and so, x-ray is detected on the x-ray detector but not your bones. And when x-ray is flashed on your body you can see the silhouette of your bones, assuming that there is an x-ray detector opposite the x-ray source..Why is the silhouette on the film not black?The photograph of the x-ray was subjected to negativity (photography) and so the lighter areas in the original picture become darker and the darker areas (silhouette of your bones) in the original picture become lighter.How can this x-ray opaque concept be used?Cerebral angiography is used to see if your brain is bleeding, if it has blood clots and many more. In this contrast x-ray procedure, a radio opaque dye that absorbs more or less x-ray photons than the surrounding tissue is injected into a cerebral artery so that the practitioner could see the cerebral circulatory system.