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Technically, it is possible, yes. I saw this issue on medline, and HSV-1 (oral herpes) can present itself on the genital region, if the person touches their own mouth, which has the infection as being active, and an open sore is present. Also, there is a six day incubation period before the sore becomes visible or open, which is also a time when the herpes is contagious.
Generally, this is not spread from hand to genital contact, though- it is usually spread primarily by the open sore making contact with the genital or mouth area. It can't be spread to the regular skin areas where broken skin is not present. Skin is too thick to contract herpes. Herpes can only be transmitted via the mucous membranes. Again, though, it seems to be possible, according to medline, even for a child who has had a history of HSV 1 (the oral kind- "fever blisters") to transfer that to their own genitals when they wipe their bottom in the bathroom, and what not. The oral kind is ultra common, even in children, and is caused by kissing their parents. Either way, it is important to have a child's herpes infection of the genital area biopsied, to be sure that it is not the HSV-2 infection, as this obviously presents evidence of sexual abuse.

HSV 2, it must also be assumed, can also be contracted by the carrier who has the genital herpes infection touching themselves, and then immediately touching the person who is not already infected. I am no expert, but I think as long as there is infected mucous from the sore on the person's hand, it would be at least possible to transmit the infection this way.. However, it must not be said- your hand can NOT catch herpes from the hand of someone who has it, even if there is herpes mucous on that person's hand. Of course, it should always be suspected that any genital herpes in children could possibly be caused by sexual abuse, and should be reported.

Also, some things should be considered when worrying about a diagnosis with herpes as well. There are other infections that might be there, instead, like chicken pox, and staphylococcus aureus infections that present symptoms similar to herpes. I am not sure how one might get that type of infection, either, so the best thing to do is to discuss it with a doctor, and maybe even get a second opinion.

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Q: Can you spread herpes through hand to genital and then hand to genital contact?
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Is it possible to get a genital herpes to somebody not through sex but by just using someones panty?

The chance is very small. Once herpes hits air the virus will die almost instantly. Herpes isn't likely to rub on the surface of a towel, toilet, clothing or other items. If the herpes virus happened to rub on the surface of an item the virus would die before a person came in contact with the virus. Some studies report herpes could spread by sharing a drink but the chance is almost non existent. You can get genital herpes through genital-genital contact or genital-oral contact with someone who has herpes infection. The virus is most easily spread through contact with open sores. But you also can get the virus from skin that does not appear to have a sore. You can become infected with the herpes virus without having intercourse.

What is common about the herpes virus?

It has nothing to do with colds or flu. Herpes are cold sores, chicken pox, Shingles, and genital herpes. They are all spread thru direct contact.

Are cold sores contagious rights after you get them like say I was infected then 2 days later kissed my girlfriend could she get cold sores?

Yes, they are very contagious, cold sores are a form of herpes as well so under no circumstances should you perform any sexual activity using your mouth or there is a very good chance you will get genital herpes. Cold sores are usually Herpes simplex virus1 (predominantly orofacial), it is spread through close contact with the area of infection, Most people that have Herpes simplex virus 1 have it as a result of their parents passing it to them with close contact touching or kissing. this virus is always contagious but is particularly contagious when active, HSV2 which is also known as genital herpes Oral and/or genital herpes (predominantly genital), as well as other herpes simplex infections are spread through close contact and can be infectious at any time especially when active.

Can you get herpes in wounds and cuts?

NO, herpes doesn't spread through blood only by skin contact with the sores.

What are facts about genital herpes?

no answerThey can be treated but never fully cured and are extremely contageous if you come in contact with them. ** Genital Herpes is a common and highly contagious infection usually spread through sex.Caused by the Herpes simplex virus-2(HSV-2) although Herpes simplex virus-1(HSV-1), the virus usually responsible for cold sores, may cause genital herpes. Genital herpes treatment includes medicines to help heal sores faster and prevent outbreaks. There is no known cure for this sexually transmitted disease.

Can you get herpes from someone that is not infected?

Herpes can only be passed through direct skin-to-skin contact with the infected area such as kissing, intercourse, genital-to-genital rubbing, vaginal intercourse.Herpes (both oral & genital) can be spread even when there are no symptoms or sores. This is called asymptomatic shedding.In case you have herpes, I recommend you to watch the #1 way to get rid of herpes Permanently -

Can you get herpes from dried blood?

Herpes is spread by skin-to-skin contact. Is is not spread by blood.

How is herpes transmitted from one person to another?

Herpes is spread by coming in contact with the herpes virus. The herpes virus can be spread even when a person isn't having an outbreak.

Can Sexually transmitted infections be transfered from skin to skin contact?

Chlamydia is an STD and is mainly passed through genital contact. You can get it from oral, anal, and vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; and birth to a woman with chlamydia.Yes, you can get chlamydia from genital-genital contact, without putting the penis all the way in.

Can you get chlamydia from sitting right behind an infected person?

You can't get chlamydia from sitting right behind an infected person. Chlamydia is spread by sexual contact with someone who's infected. You can get it from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.

How do you know if you have HSv-1?

Herpes simplex virus 1 is the virus that causes fever blisters and cold sores.Herpes simplex virus ll is the virus that is responsible for genital herpes.There are anti viral medications that you can take to help reduce outbreaks of herpes,(Valtrex) but it is still possible to spread it even when no signs are present.It IS possible to spread HSv-1 by oral sex. If you have a fever blister and preform oral sex on someone, you can give them genital herpes. Just as someone with genital herpes can spread it to you by oral, vaginal or anal sex . Please use protection if you have genital herpes. marlin

A person infected with genital herpes can pass on the infection even if what isn't present painful blisters discharge and itch pus and mucus chancre sores?

according to, genital herpes can be spread via sores. but can be spread via blood if sores are not present. so the answer is sores!