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When court ordered child support is in affect it is never advisable to cease payment for any reasons. The best and safest option is to contact the attorney who handled the child support issue for advice, if that's not possible, consult another attorney or the legal aid association for information on the issue. Generally the parent paying the support will need to file a motion to amend the order for the cited reason/purposes in the court where the original order was granted.

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Q: Can you stop paying child support if your pregnant 17-year-old moves in with her boyfriend?
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My 17 yr old pregnant daughter moved out of her mothers house and in with her boyfriend. Can I stop paying child support?

No, she is still a child. The parents are still responsible for her.

Do you still have to pay support for a minor child that is pregnant if the father of the unborn child begins paying support?

Yes. Until and unless the child is emancipated, you are still responsible regardless of other income. The support from your daughter's boyfriend is probably for your grandchild.

Can you stop paying child support if she becomes pregnant?

No, your child will not be emancipated because she is pregnant and her parents still have to support her until she is.

If a child becomes pregnant in Illinois do you have to continue paying child support?


Does a father have to continue paying child support on a daughter who is pregnant?


If a 16 old girl is pregnant does her father stop paying child support to the mother and can the 16 year old collect child support from the boyfriend in the state of kansas boyfriend is 18yrs old?

No and No.This is ludicrous at the very best. The father is paying child support because of a court ordered decree when he and his ex-spouse ended their marriage. The father continues paying until the daughter attains the age of 18. To expect the 16 year old boy (also a child in a legal sense) to pay child support is ridiculous and beyond belief.

If your boyfriend is paying child support and you get married to him will the child support stop?

Of course not. He is still the father of his children and still responsible for supporting them.

Can you get child support if boyfriend in college?

Most definitely! There would be absolutely no excuse for someone not paying child support, if it is not paid legal actions can be taken.

In Louisiana Do you still have to pay child support if the child you are paying for becomes pregnant with her own child?

Yes, that doesn't relieve you of your duty to your child pregnant or not.

How can a father stop paying child support if the seventeen year old daughter moved in with her boyfriend?

File for stop emotion

If you are paying child support in PA for a child that is 18 but still in high school and she is pregnant is there any change in child support while she is pregnant or after she has the child?

No, that obligations is to the father of that unborn child. Also, once high school is completed your financial obligation for support ends.