

How should flour be stored?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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10y ago

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Cakes made with flour usually do not need to be refrigerated. They keep well for two or three days if kept covered at room temperature. Cakes also can be kept covered in the fridge for a week or so. Refrigeration is needed for any cake with filling containing eggs, such as a custard filling.

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Flour is best stored in a tightly sealed container in dry conditions.

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13y ago

Its not recommended, it is better stored on a pantry

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Is flour still good after a year?

If stored properly, it could be good.

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Store flour in a food grade plastic container with tight fitting lid. Keep in cool, dark place to prevent insects from getting at the flour and to prevent sunlight from spoiling the flour

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8 months if stored properly.

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Masa flour can go bad and become rancid. To keep it fresh longer, it can be placed in a Ziploc bag and stored in the refrigerator.

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Regular bleached white flour.

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Yes, if baking flour is too old or has been contaminated, it can develop a rancid smell. The smell might also occur if the flour is stored in an old oil container. It could absorb the odor of rancid oil if kept in an open container near old oil. In any of these cases, the rancid-smelling flour should be discarded, as the smell would spoil any product made with it.

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