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In any case, you would have to go to court. Get legal advice as to how to make what you want (ie. full custody) happen.

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Q: Can you take a parent to court to have him sign his parental rights over?
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Can you get your daughter's father to sign over rights in Texas?

You can ask him but not force him. If he is harmful to the child you can bring it to court and the court can take his parental rights away.

Does decatur court allow a parent to sign there rights over?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

You want to sign your parental rights over to your daughters step mother how do I do that with out going to court?

How do I sign over my parental rights without going to court?

How long does it take to sign over your parental rights?

It depends on which state you are in and under what circumstances you are signing your parental over for. In some states, you cannot sign over your parental rights unless the other parent is remarried and the step-parent is willing to adopt the child.

What are the legal step parent rights in Tennessee?

For a step parent to have parental rights over the step child they would have to adopt.

Can a father sign over parental rights to an unborn child in Alabama?

That is a decision made by the court. A court can grant a partial or complete Termination of Parental Rights if the judge feels it is warranted for reasons other than said parent is relieved of his or her financial obligation to their minor child/children. Generally voluntary TPR's (those requested by a parent) are only granted when a child is being legally adopted.

Does a parent have to be married in order for other parent to sign parental rights over?

Don't know if I'm right on this but it seems like you have things a bit mixed up so I will give several answers:- If you want to give up your parental rights the other parent does not have to be married for you to do so. Both parents have parental rights so you can't sign those over the already biological parent. If they have been removed by the court or he/she have given them up, it's up to the court to decide if they can get it back. You cannot give them your parental rights.- If you are giving up your parental rights so the new partner of your ex can adopt, it depends on the law of that state if boyfriend/girlfriend is allowed to adopt or not when unmarried. They will be evaluated and the court finally decides.- If you mean signing custody over to your ex, no he/she does not have to be married and can openly live with their new boyfriend/girlfriend.

Does the parent still have financial obligations after signing over parental rights?

Termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

What are the rights of parents that have signed over their parental rights?

no rights none until the child is older and the parent can explain the reasons for giving up parental rights and then it is up to the child to make a decision to have a relationship with that parent

Can A Parent Sign Over Parental Rights Of There Child To A Friend By Writing Out A Signed Agreement between Both Parties In The Presence Of 2 Witnesses Without Going Through The Proper Authorities?

A court order is required to terminate parental rights. In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can custodial parent move out of state if there is an existing child support order in one state?

No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.

Is it kidnapping if the father goes and gets his child from out of state from the steparent if they have no rights when the mother has died?

The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.