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Q: Can you take codeine and cocaine together?
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Does codeine have cocaine in it?

No. Codeine does not have Cocaine in it, the two are not related. Codeine is a derivative opium (the base material for morphine and heroin) the sap from a poppy head, while Cocaine comes from the leaves of the coca plant.

Codeine and cocaine the same?

Not at all. No. Codeine is an opiate--it comes from the opium poppy. Cocaine comes from the coca plant.

Is codeine a form of cocaine?

no, codeine is an opiate, derived from the opium plant. it is similar to percocet. opiates have the oposite effect of cocaine.

Can you take codeine and Ativan together?


Is codeine contain cocaine?

No, codeine is an analgesic opiate pro-drug for pain. Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid sold as a street drug.

Are codeine and cocaine in the same family of drugs?


If allergic to codeine can you take tramadol hcl?

Tramadol HCL is generic for Ultram, which is a weaker painkiller than Codeine and it is safe -- in low doses to take them together. But it is probably not safe to take both together in high doses.

Can you take Sudafed and codeine and paracetamol together?


Can you take amoxicillin with codeine?

If you are suitable to take each individually... Then yes, it's absolutely fine to take them together.

Can you do cocaine if you're allergic to codeine?

Cocaine and codiene are in completley different drug groups. (unless the cocaine happens to have been cut with codiene)

Can you get a positive urine test for cocaine by taking codeine?

No. Just plain no.

Is it safe to take vidicon Valium and codeine cough syrup together?

no it is not safe