

Can you transefer to a university with an AAA degree?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes you can. The associate of arts degree (AA) is typically designed to transfer to the four year colleges and universities. However, to transfer the credits full faith in credit, you will have to remain within the same major.

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Q: Can you transefer to a university with an AAA degree?
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Turn AAA to a BS?

You can transfer to a four year college or university and apply all usable credits toward the bachelor's degree.

Can you get an AAA degree in business?

no such thing

Do you need a AAA before a ba?

No. A BA is a 4-year degree with no previous degree required.

What does an AAA mean in the UK?

In the UK, AAA typically refers to the highest grade achievable in the A-level exams. A-levels are academic qualifications taken by students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland before entering university. AAA is considered an excellent result and is often required for admission to top universities.

What does AAA nursing mean?

It is an associate or arts degree. However, The degree type for nursing is typically an associate in science degree.

What does AAA plus stand for as an academic degree?

Well, the AA stands for associate of arts degree. I personally have never heard of an AA Plus as a degree, unless the institution itself is identifying it as a transfer program to a four year college or university. Some community colleges call it a 2+2 program.

Bca 6th sem date sheet of ccs university?


What does AAA stand for in The Blitz topic?

AA stands for a Associate in Arts Degree

Can you receive an AAA from Brigham Young University?

No. Brigham Young University only offers Bachelors and Masters degrees.

Is it mentioned on degree of headway university that it is a distant learning degree or they give degree as campus degree?

Headway University is an accredited online university that provides degree in a range of industry preferred majors. Degrees that are conferred by Headway University are as worthy as any other traditional university degree. The degree courses are instructed online; however the degree that student will receive will be as good as any other campus based university degree.

Does BA degree refer to university degree?

A BA is a Bachelor of Arts, which is indeed a university degree.

Is master's degree an university degree?

Yes, it is. You must go to a University to obtain a Master's degree