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You can use baking soda to raise the pH level in a hot tub, however soda ash will work better. Borax even better than that. The issue with baking soda is that it more readily raises Total Alkalinity so will have a larger effect on TA rather than pH.

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Q: Can you use baking soda to raise pH levels in hot tub?
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How do you remove the hard build-up of deodorant from a shirt?

== == Use hot water and baking soda and wash it regularly.

Why does baking soda make a cookie rise?

Baking soda is a rising agent. Some others are baking powder, yeast, beaten egg whites and other things. With out it your cookies will be thin, flat, hard and heavy, instead of light and/or crunchy. Baking powder is relatively slow acting, especially when compared to baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda, a base, and cream of tartar, an acid, when mixed with a liquid the two combine and a gas, carbon dioxide,CO2, is released. The tiny bubbles make the dough rise. The liquid is usually added last thing before baking so the bubbles don't just dissipate into the air. The cookies go into a hot oven so the dough begins to set up and the bubbles separate the small particles of firm dough instead of just being baked as bubbles into the otherwise hard cookie.

What is fizzier Cold or hot soda?

Cold is fizzier

What do you combine with baking soda boiling water to unclog a sink drain?

Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain followed slowly by white vinegar. It will foam and bubble. Let it sit about 5-10 minutes, then flush the drain with hot water. It will also remove odors from the drain. This works best in a kitchen drain that is running slow, not completely stopped up. I don't think it works as well on hair clogs.

How do you get rid of underarm shirt stains?

Try this, 1 part Baking soda, 1 part hydrogen peroxcide, and 1 part hot water. Use a little elbow grease on the stain and it should lift right out. This recipe is pretty much Oxiclean. Good luck!

Related questions

Does baking soda dissolve better in hot warm or cold water?

To dissolve baking soda in hot water one would need to pour hot water on the baking soda and stir it with a spoon. Baking soda that is dissolved has lessens the leavening action of the soda.

Can you still make corndog batter without baking soda or baking powder?

yes you can but the coat around the hot dog will not be as this thick as it is with baking powder or baking soda

What type of solution is hot baking soda solution?

hot sodium bicarbonate

Why does baking soda hot water and foil make a chemical reaction?

It doesn't. You need to use, washing soda. Sodium Carbonate. Baking Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate.

What is a faster reaction cold vinegar with baking soda or hot vinegar and baking soda?

Yes they will both bubble at the same speed too.

Does baking soda dissolve more in a cup of hot or cold water?

hot water

What are the ingridients for hot ice?

Hot Ice, Sodium Acetate, is made from vinegar and baking soda.

Which dissolves faster in hot and cold salt or baking soda?

Salt dissolves quicker!

How long does it take baking soda to dissolve in water?

if you boil the water the baking soda will disolve

Can soda go in a humidifier?

I'm unsure if you mean soda pop or baking soda. A mixture of a small amount of baking soda in warm or hot water can be used to clean the basin of a humidifier. All surfaces should be thoroughly wiped and dried to remove leftover baking soda residue. Do not run the humidifier with the baking soda mixture in the machine, unless you have gotten specific directions to do this from a manufacturer. However, soda pop cannot be used in a humidifier whether to run or to clean it. :-)

Can you use baking soda to unclog the radiator on my mercury sable?

no. instead use arm and hammer washing soda diluted with hot water

What should you clean your refrigeator with?

I always use baking soda dissolved in hot water. You can even buy special packages of baking soda for use in a fridge and when they are finished you can use the residue to clean the fridge!