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no, never! Use hot soapy water then rinse them in warm water.

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Q: Can you use bleach to clean baby bottles?
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Can you use bleach to clean slate?

It is not recommended to use bleach to clean slate. Especially if you have colored grout because the bleach will cause discoloration.

Can you use baby wipes to clean shoes?

You can, but it wont get out any stains. Try using a rag with soap, water and a little bleach.

How do you clean your sneakers?

if its White use bleach

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Can you use bleach and water to clean a cut on my dog her paw?

No! Never use bleach on an animal! Clean the cut with soap and water. If it is bad, take her to the vet.

How many bottles 4 oz and 8 oz should you use for the baby?

how old is the baby and if it's older they use alot of 8 ounce bottles

Is using bleach to clean pots and pans harmful?

Not if you clean the pot thoroughly and don't drink the water.

Which baby bottles use bags?

The playtex nurser bottles are the most commonly used bottles with bags or "drop ins."

How do you clean a coffee maker with bleach?

You can use bleach to clean the carafe, but I wouldn't suggest using it in the coffee maker. If you wish to 'purge' the coffee maker, use a water and vinegar mixture.

What is the best way to clean a stainless steel chain?

There are many ways to clean a stainless steel chain. But in order to correctly clean it, the best way is to use bleach and add water to the bleach to clean it.

What do dentists use to bleach teeth?

While you could clean a dentist with bleach (it isn't likely to harm them), if they don't consent to the service, they are not likely to be very cooperative.

Can you clean arm pits with bleach?

No, it will burn your skin; use soup