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How to change a statement into a question

A sentence that tells us something is a statement. By using do, does or did as the first word, a statement can be changed into a question.

· Alice likes reading. (Statement)

· Does Alice like reading. (Question)

Why do we use does, and not do or did in the question given below? Well, we use does because the subject Alice is a singular noun and the sentence is in the simple present tense.


· I like reading. (Statement)

· Do I like reading. (Question)

Here we use do because that is the verb that agrees with the subject I. Note thatdo is used with all plural subjects including you, they and we.

· She likes singing. (Statement)

· Does she like singing? (Question)

· They like playing.

· Do they like playing?

Did is used with both plural and singular subjects in the simple past tense.

· She liked the story. (Statement)

· Did she like the story? (Question)

· They supported the idea. (Statement)

· Did they support the idea? (Question)

· John gave a prompt reply. (statement)

· Did John give a prompt reply? (Question)

Note that after did we use the present tense form of the verb.

· Did write (NOT Did wrote)

· Did come (NOT Did came)

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