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net or branched

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Q: Characteristic venation pattern of dicots
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Related questions

Do dicots have parallel leaf venation?

No, Parallel Leaf Venation is indicative of Monocots

What is the advantage of having reticulate venation in dicots?

nothing at all

What is netted venation?

Venation is how a the leaf veins are organized. Netted venation is when there are larger veins with many smaller veins branches making a type of web pattern.

Is a privet a dicot?

Well, they do display a few characteristics of dicots such as wide flat leaves and reticulate venation. Most likely, the answer is yes- privet plants are dicots. Hope this helps! (:

What are the four main differences between monocots and dicots?

1. Monocots have one cotyledon in the embryo and dicots have two 2. Vascular bundles in monocots are closed in dicots these are open 3. Leaves have parallel venation in monocots & reticulate in dicots 4. Floral parts are in multiple of three in monocots, and five or their multiple in dicots.

Bartlett pear tree venation pattern?

parallel venation man!

Monocot type of leaf venation?

Parallel veins are a common characteristic of many monocots.

What is the pattern veins on leaf?


What is meant by leaf venation?

The pattern of vascular arrangement in the leaf lamina is called leaf venation,.

Do gram leaves have parallel or reticulate venation?

the venation of the plant mostly depend on the roots if a plant has fibrous roots the venation will be parallel, but if the plant has tap root the venation will bereticulate and since gram has tap root it maybe having reticulate venation.

Is nerium leaf monocot or dicot?

Nerium leaf is dicot. Dicot leaves have reticulate venation and dorsiventral symmetry.

What is the venation pattern of the apple tree?