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A right brained person is very creative, and the total opposite of a left brained person. A right would day dream a lot and would see the big picture first instead of the details, but a left would see the tiny details before they get to the big picture. For example, if your professor was giving a lecture you would easily begin to day dream instead of listening, while a left would listen to every detail that is said and would often take notes so as to not forget. Most ,if not all, right brained people are artists, musicians, writers, actors, and anything that has to do with the arts. On the other hand, left brained people are much more logical, and decide to stick to the rules. Most left brainers are judges, Accountants, lawyers, and anything that has to do with stone cold facts. Many right brained people are also trustful. Sometimes a little too trustful. This is why some creative ideas created by a right would often be stolen by a left because they can't think of their own creative ideas, or it's just too hard for them. Right brained people love to be creative. So if possible try not to have a desk job, or else their creative spirtit will be crushed. Some famous people were right brained, like Albert Einstein, and Leonardo DaVinci.

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