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Thomas Jefferson v Alexander Hamilton - were essentially good friends to begin with. Jefferson was for a very weak central government and power mostly in the states. Hamilton, however, was for a strong central government, evidenced by his financial policies, such as assumption. Jefferson was suspicious of the governors, believing that they would succumb to avarice in office; Hamilton suspicious of the governed, believing that the masses would not be able to sustain democracy and keep the government in order. In addition, Jefferson was a congenial optimist and saw things through a rose colored prism, Hamilton was distrustful to a fault (most likely from his childhood) and saw things through a dark prism. Finally, Jefferson favored relations with France, Hamilton, Britain.

Anti Federalist v Federalist - the majority of anti-Federalists either thought the Articles were fine, or that they needed a Bill of Rights. Like Jefferson, many AFs believed that too much power was in the hands of the government, that the government would become greedy, and that, to be honest, the Articles were only going to be revised, not overhauled. Federalists, for the most part, believed the exact opposite. However, many people only supported ratification with a promise that Bill of Rights would be enacted.

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Q: Compare and contrast the political ideology of Thomas Jefferson vs Alexander Hamilton anti federalist federalist?
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