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Q: Voter turnout in the US is compared to other democracies.?
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Compared to other industrialized democracies the United states has what kind of voter turnout?

The US has fairly low voter participitation.

What is true of voter turnout in the U'S?

Voter turnout is lower in the United States than in many other democracies.

What is low voter turnout a feature of?

Low voter turnout may be caused by disenchantment, indifference, or contentment. Different elections have different voter turnout rates. Presidential elections have a higher voter turnout rate than other elections. Bad weather can also cause low voter turnout. Voter fatigue and the ease of registering to vote can also affect voter turnout.

The level of voter turnout in American general elections is than in other democratic countries?


The level of voter turnout in American general elections is than in other democratic countries.?


What are two factors that may cause voters not to participate in a general election?

There are more than two reasons why a person doesnÕt vote. One of the main reasonÕs is that people think and believe that they votes doesnÕt matter in an election, the reason if being informed about the measures at hand.

What evidence does hunter give in compulsory voting an idea whose time has come that supports his claim that other countries have successfully implemented compulsory voting?

the high voter turnout in Australia -apex

What is the level of voter turnout in American general elections is?

Lower than in other democratic countries by: T'Daddy

Compared to other industrialized democracies the American work force?

organized,unionized more or less

How does voter turnout in the U.S. compare with turnout in other Western democracies?

Voter turnout is usually quite low here in the States. I believe there are two primary reasons: (1) Most people here cannot recall a time when the public's right to vote was seriously challenged. We've never been forced to do without it so we take it for granted. (2) We are accustomed to getting candidates who are mediocre at best. Most elections seem to be a decision of who is the lesser of two evils. It seems that the community personalities with the most integrity, those who would be worth getting excited about, do not want to bother with politics. (3) Also contributing to a lesser degree is the fact that our biennial federal elections are always on a Tuesday instead of a Saturday, Sunday or holiday.

Which age group has had the worst voter turnout to date?

People in the age group 18 - 29 have the worst voter turn out of any other age group. This age group has fewer voices in the mainstream media to listen to and get information from about issues that relate to them andÊhow their vote matters.

Based on the information presented in this activity, which of the following explanations of voter turnout in local and state elections is best supported?

Voters are more engaged during a presidential election than in other elections.