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the salt draws water from the plants causing eventual death of the plant.

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Q: Could salt water stop plant growth?
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What is the independent the effect of salt water on plant growth?

Salt water provides physiological stress to the plant

What affect does salt water have on plant growth?

Slow down growth

Does salt water or tap water affect plant growth?

yes it does, it kill the plant. :)

Does any other liquid affect plant growth?

Yes, water is one liquid that affects plant growth. Along with plain water, salt water and carbonated water can affect the growth of plants.

How does salt water and soda affect plants?

it makes the plant growth not fast

How does salt effect plants?

Salt draws water away from the roots, it also effects the way the plant gets its nutrients. In water, salt breaks down into sodium and chloride. The sodium replaces the nutrients in the soil, and the chloride, effects the photosynthasis in the leaves. These causes could effect the plant's growth by stunting it, it could make the plant turn brown and wilt, and last but not least, the plant could possibly die.

Does salt affect corn?

Yes, by adding salt to the water, it prevents the growth of the plant and slows/stops its intake of water, killing it.

What does salt do to plant growth?

Putting salt into plant soil will hinder plant growth and even kill the plant by making the soil outside more concentrated than the environment inside of roots. This stops the absorption of water and minerals by the roots.

Does salt water affect bean plant growth?

Yes, salt water does affect bean plant growth. Many think that it can make them grow better than regular water, but the water can affect the natural sodium in the bean making them taste saltier.

Does fresh water affect plant growth?

the salt water is in the soil than the roots will be waekned and it will die

Does a plant grow taller if watered with milk or salt water?

No, watering a plant with milk or salt water is not recommended as it can actually harm the plant. Milk contains fats and proteins that can promote the growth of bacteria and fungi, leading to plant decay. Salt water, on the other hand, can dehydrate the plant and hinder its ability to absorb water properly, ultimately stunting its growth. It is best to use plain water to water plants.

Does adding salt water into a plant affect its growth?

It may be because of the chlorine contained in salt. Also, salt is a preservative, and can steal or alter the water molocules so a plant cannot use it.