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* abductor digiti minimi (foot) * abductor digiti minimi (hand) * abductor hallucis * abductor pollicis brevis * abductor pollicis longus * adductor brevis * adductor hallucis * adductor longus * adductor magnus * adductor pollicis * anconeus * articularis cubiti * articularis genu * aryepiglotticus * aryjordanicus * auricularis * biceps brachii * biceps femoris * * brachialis * brachioradialis * buccinator * bulbospongiosus * constrictor of pharynx -inferior * constrictor of pharynx -middle * constrictor of pharynx -superior * coracobrachialis * corrugator supercilii * cremaster * cricothyroid * dartos * deep transverse perinei * deltoid * depressor anguli oris * depressor labii inferioris * diaphragm * digastric * digastric (anterior view) * erector spinae - spinalis * erector spinae - iliocostalis * erector spinae - longissimus * extensor carpi radialis brevis * extensor carpi radialis longus * extensor carpi ulnaris * extensor digiti minimi (hand) * extensor digitorum (hand) * * extensor digitorum brevis (foot) * extensor digitorum longus (foot) * extensor hallucis longus * extensor indicis * extensor pollicis brevis * extensor pollicis longus * external oblique abdominis * flexor carpi radialis * flexor carpi ulnaris * flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) * flexor digiti minimi brevis (hand) * flexor digitorum brevis * flexor digitorum longus (foot) * flexor digitorum profundus * flexor digitorum superficialis * flexor hallucis brevis * flexor hallucis longus * flexor pollicis brevis * flexor pollicis longus * frontalis * gastrocnemius * gemellus inferior * gemellus superior * genioglossus * geniohyoid * gluteus maximus * gluteus medius * gluteus minimus * gracilis * hyoglossus * iliacus * inferior oblique * inferior rectus * infraspinatus * intercostals external * intercostals innermost * intercostals internal * internal oblique abdominis * interossei - dorsal of hand * interossei -dorsal of foot * interossei- palmar of hand * interossei - plantar of foot * interspinales * intertransversarii * intrinsic muscles of tongue * ishiocavernosus * lateral cricoarytenoid * lateral pterygoid * lateral rectus * latissimus dorsi * levator anguli oris * levator ani-coccygeus * levator ani - iliococcygeus * levator ani-pubococcygeus * levator ani-puborectalis * levator ani-pubovaginalis * levator labii superioris * levator labii superioris * alaeque nasi * levator palpebrae superioris * levator scapulae * levator veli palatini * levatores costarum * longus capitis * longus colli * lumbricals of foot (4) * lumbricals of hand * masseter * medial pterygoid * medial rectus * mentalis * m. uvulae * mylohyoid * nasalis * oblique arytenoid * obliquus capitis inferior * obliquus capitis superior * obturator externus * obturator internus (A) * obturator internus (B) * omohyoid * opponens digiti minimi (hand) * opponens pollicis * orbicularis oculi * orbicularis oris * palatoglossus * palatopharyngeus * palmaris brevis * palmaris longus * pectineus * pectoralis major * pectoralis minor * peroneus brevis * peroneus longus * peroneus tertius * piriformis (A) * piriformis (B) * plantaris * platysma * popliteus * posterior cricoarytenoid * procerus * pronator quadratus * pronator teres * psoas major * psoas minor * pyramidalis * quadratus femoris * quadratus lumborum * quadratus plantae * rectus abdominis * rectus capitus anterior * rectus capitus lateralis * rectus capitus posterior major * rectus capitus posterior minor * rectus femoris * rhomboid major * rhomboid minor * risorius * salpingopharyngeus * sartorius * scalenus anterior * scalenus medius * scalenus minimus * scalenus posterior * semimembranosus * semitendinosus * serratus anterior * serratus posterior inferior * serratus posterior superior * soleus * sphincter ani * sphincter urethrae * splenius capitis * splenius cervicis * stapedius * sternocleidomastoid * sternohyoid * sternothyroid * styloglossus * stylohyoid * stylohyoid (anterior view) * stylopharyngeus * subclavius * subcostalis * subscapularis * superficial transverse * perinei * superior oblique * superior rectus * supinator * supraspinatus * temporalis * temporoparietalis * tensor fasciae lata * tensor tympani * tensor veli palatini * teres major * teres minor * thyro-arytenoid & vocalis * thyro-epiglotticus * thyrohyoid * tibialis anterior * tibialis posterior * transverse arytenoid * transversospinalis -multifidus * transversospinalis -rotatores * transversospinalis -semispinalis * transversus abdominis * transversus thoracis * trapezius * triceps * vastus intermedius * vastus lateralis * vastus medialis * zygomaticus major * zygomaticus minor

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