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No if anything it will make it worse try pan oxel and face wash and a dual action cream. And rotate threw the days. Showering every day and using the face wash to clean your skin. Then using one cream for 1 day and the other the next day. Having cream in the morning is good to.

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Q: Could you put toothpaste on pimples to make them go away?
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Will Colgate toothpaste make pimples go away?

No, using Colgate on acne spots will not necessarily improve your skin. Toothpaste will have a drying effect though, and could cause further irritation, peeling, and redness. To more effectively treat acne, use a formula specifically for skin, such as benzoyl peroxide.

Does toothpaste reduce redness from pimples?

YES! if you keep the toothpaste on ur pimple for bout 30 minutes hten the redness of the pimple around it will reduce, and it will make it stop stinging! :-) UPDATE: you can also use eye drops (that reduce redness in the eyes). It also helps on pimples.

What type of toothpaste do you ptu on pimples to make them go away?

you don't, Creams just help clean the area of the skin better and soap does also. If you want them gone, wash your face morning, mid-day, and night b4 bed, and they will go away.

How does toothpaste help your pimples?

What it does is it dries out your pimple(s) and kills the pathogens in the puss! [Because toothpaste contains a substace that gets rid of pimples (acne)] Tips/Warnings: Make sure its the paste kind not the gel kind. And make sure its white, the other leading brands don't have that substance that help you acne.

Can toothpaste make acne go away overnight?


Does toothpaste make zits go away?

It can for some people, but it did no help for me.

I'm 27 and I am getting pimples on my chin but could you tell me what could cause this?

There are several reasons why a 27 year old could get pimples. It could be PMS, or even the make-up that you wear.

Does toothpaste help clear out pimples?

Usually, it does. It only works with a toothPASTE not toothpaste (the gel kind). I would recommend using Crest (the regular mint kind). What it does is it crusts up and dries (I would leave it on either overnight or 3-4 hours at a time. After you wake up (or time is up) wash your toothpaste off and put on some lotion. That should do it!

How to disappear pimples?

first you rub some sorbolene on your face and the have lots of icecreamdid you know that ice cream gets rid of pimples

What kind of toothpaste gets rid of zits?

Answer:The toothpaste myth:Some magazines may say that by applying a dab of toothpate to the pimple will make it go away, actually it might reduce the size of the pimple but it will also leave a scar which looks even worse.

How do you makes your pimples go away?

You should put toothpaste on it overnight, that would make the reddness go away. But use the white kind, not the gel. Also, make sure your hands are always clean, and dont touch your face because that will make it worse. DO NOT pick your pimples eventhough you want to... Also, buy proactiv but if you cant, use witch hazel. It is good for pimples. If you have a really bad pimple and bangs, keep the bangs to the side so the oils wont make it worse. Or, you can just cover it up with your bangs. If these dont work for you im sorry and just buy some cover-up from a shop. They worked for me and im sure they will work for you as well! Thank You!

Is toothpaste can remove pimples?

Yes, toothpaste is a known zit zapper, but be careful with what kinds you use. Avoid toothpastes containing fluoride, because it irritates the skin. It has additionally been found that toothpaste on zits is simpler as a paste, moderately than a gel.