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Roman numerals....
1 = I
2 = II
3 = III
4 = IV (or IIII on old clocks, watches and sundials)
5 = V
6 = VI
7 = VII
8 = VIII
9 = IX
10 = X
20 = XX
30 = XXX
40 = XL
50 = L
60 = LX
70 = LXX
80 = LXXX
90 = XC
100 = C
500 = D
1000 = M
2000 = MM
3000 = MMM

The numbers 11 - 19 and 21 - 29 etc follow the same pattern as the numbers 1 to 9 but preceeded by X or XX etc. The same applies to numbers preceeded by 100s or 1000s. Some examples...
14 = XIV
44 = XLIV
151 = CLI
666 = DCLXVI
1066 = MLXVI
2009 = MMIX

After 3000 thousand are written by either placing a horizontal bar over a numeral, to indicate that the numeral should be multiplied by 1000, or by placing the numeral inside brackets, which also indicates that it should be multiplied by 1000. Examples...
4000 = [IV]
10000 = [X]
523000 = [DXXIII]
1000000 = [M]

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Q: Count from 1-1000 in Roman numerals?
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What is 11000 in roman numerals?

(XI) or XM but with an horizontal line above the numeral X. Numerals in brackets or a line above them indicates multiplication by a thousand. So: (XI) = 11*1000 = 11000.

What are 3 ways of representing 24?

24, XXIV (Roman numerals) and 11000 (binary code).

Why were Roman Numerals created?

I believe it was because Romans could not count numbers so they created roman numerals which were almost like numbers in order to tell time and count.

How do you write 11000 in roman?

Expressed in Roman numerasl 11000 is (XI) which means 1000*11 = 11000

What is 8000000 in roman numerals?

Roman numerals were created and used to count things that were bought and sold, so is only used for smaller numbers.

What were the Roman uses for Roman numerals?

They used them to tell time, to measure farm fields, and to count stuff.

What do the Roman numeral symbolized?

Roman Numerals were the numbering system used by the ancient Romans. It is what they used to count with.

What impact did the Roman Numeral system have or has on the culture?

Roman numerals enabled the Romans to count just like any other type of numerals enable any other peoples to count.

How do you write 11393 in Roman numerals?

Roman numerals do not have any symbol occurring consecutively more than three (or sometimes four) times. A number such as 11000 would be written as the symbol XI (the Roman numeral for 11) with a horizontal line over the top. The horizontal line indicates the number is multiplied by ten thousand.The remainder of the number would be written as 393 is normally written: CCCXCIII.

What is the Roman numerals for 27?

Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.

What did Romans use Roman Numerals for?

Romans used Roman numerals as their form of numbers. Romans needed Roman Numerals because they needed numbers to count, tell time, and do other things in life that involved numbers. Roman numerals were used because they could all be scribed using a flat chisel i.e X I V M.