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Don't let the fact that they have an eating disorder turn you off. You just need to let them know that they are perfect just they way they are, they may tell you that they don't believe you or that your only lying, it doesn't matter just keep telling them, you just really need to mean it. And let them know that you do. And if it gets too serious you need to tell someone because it can become fatal.

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Q: Dating someone with an eating disorder?
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What is a dietary disorder?

someone, who has a disorder eating.

How do you get someone to notice you have an eating disorder?

Tell them.

Should you tell someone that you have an eating disorder?

Yes. Secrets are part of the disorder.

What would someone lack of if they had a eating disorder?

They would lack normal eating habits.

Can someone with bipolar disorder have an eating disorder?

Yes, anyone may experience an eating disorder for many reasons, including stress or poor self image. If you are bipolar and suspect that you have an eating disorder, this is something to discuss with your therapist and/or medical doctor.

What are the symptoms of the eating disorder EDNOS?

The eating disorder known as EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) is usually diagnosed to someone that is struggling from eating disorder behaviors but does not have the symptoms of bulimia or anorexia. Some symptoms of EDNOS include constant concern about food and weight, behaviors such as restricting eating or that compensate for eating (like exercising or purging).

How do you help someone with eating disorder?

Consult them about it. Its very bad for their health.

Is obesity an eating disorder?

No. Obesity is a state that someone can be in. It means that someone has too high of a fat content to be healthy. Someone who is fat may not have any eating disorder - no matter how big they are. Eating disorders can include, but are not limited to: Anorexia (lack of eating), Bulimia (puking up what you eat, usually coupled with over eating), and Binge Eating (eating large amounts of food at once).

Can someone tell me if I have an eating disorder?

Because this is a medical issue, the first person to ask is your family doctor. If they can not help you directly, they will send you to a person who can determine if you have an eating disorder and help you if you do.

Why is it considered an eating disorder?

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Why is it considered eating disorder?

Why is what considered an eating disorder

Do binge eaters ever become anorexics?

Not always, but someone with one type of eating disorder is more prone to developing or "meshing in" another eating disorder than the average person is.