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Managerial economics (sometimes referred to as business economics), is a branch of economics that applies microeconomic analysis to decision methods of businesses or other management units. As such, it bridges economic theory and economics in practice. It draws heavily from quantitative techniques such as regression analysis and correlation, Lagrangian calculus (linear). If there is a unifying theme that runs through most of managerial economics it is the attempt to optimize business decisions given the firm's objectives and given constraints imposed by scarcity, for example through the use of operations research and programming. Almost any business decision can be analyzed with managerial economics techniques, but it is most commonly applied to: * Risk analysis - various models are used to quantify risk and asymmetric information and to employ them in decision rules to manage risk. * Production analysis - microeconomic techniques are used to analyze production efficiency, optimum factor allocation, costs, and economies of scale and to estimate the firm's cost function. * Pricing analysis - microeconomic techniques are used to analyze various pricing decisions including transfer pricing, joint product pricing, price discrimination, price elasticity estimations, and choosing the optimum pricing method. * Capital budgeting - Investment theory is used to examine a firm's capital purchasing decisions. At universities, the subject is taught primarily to advanced undergrads. It is approached as an integration subject. That is, it integrates many concepts from a wide variety of prerequisite courses. In many countries it is possible to read for a degree in Business Economics which often covers managerial economics, financial economics, game theory, business forecasting and industrial economics. Importance of the study of Managerial Economics: Managerial Economics does not give importance to the study of theoretical economic concepts. Its main concern is to apply theories to find solutions to day -today practical problems faced by a firm. The following points indicate the significance of the study of this subject in its right perspective. 1. It gives guidance for identification of key variables in decision making process. 2. It helps the business executives to understand the various intricacies of business and managerial problems and to take right decision at the right time. 3. It provides the necessary conceptual, technical skills, toolbox of analysis and techniques of thinking and other such most modern tools and instruments like elasticity of demand and supply, cost and revenue, income and expenditure, profit and volume of production etc to solve various business problems. 4. It is both a science and an art. In the context of globalization, privatization, liberalization and marketization and a highly competitive dynamic economy, it helps in identifying various business and managerial problems, their causes and consequence, and suggests various policies and programs to overcome them. 5. It helps the business executives to become much more responsive, realistic and competent to face the ever changing challenges in the modern business world. 6. It helps in the optimum use of scarce resources of a firm to maximize its profits. 7. It also helps in achieving other objectives a firm like attaining industry leadership, market share expansion and social responsibilities etc. 8. It helps a firm in forecasting the most important economic variables like demand, supply, cost, revenue, price, sales and profit etc and formulate sound business polices 9. It also helps in understanding the various external factors and forces which affect the decision making of a firm. Thus, it has become a highly useful and practical discipline in recent years to analyze and find solutions to various kinds of problems in a systematic and rational manner. There are mainly two functions of managerial economics. Out of two major managerial functions served by the subject matter under managerial economics are decision making and forward planning: 1. Decision Making:- The techniques in this section help you to make the best decisions possible with the information you have available. With these tools you will be able to map out the likely consequences of decisions, work out the importance of individual factors, and choose the best course of action to take. == There are several basic kinds of decisions. 1. Decisions whether. This is the yes/no, either/or decision that must be made before we proceed with the selection of an alternative. Should I buy a new TV? Should I travel this summer? Decisions whether are made by weighing reasons pro and con. The PMI technique discussed in the next chapter is ideal for this kind of decision. It is important to be aware of having made a decision whether, since too often we assume that decision making begins with the identification of alternatives, assuming that the decision to choose one has already been made. 2. Decisions which. These decisions involve a choice of one or more alternatives from among a set of possibilities, the choice being based on how well each alternative measures up to a set of predefined criteria. 3. Contingent decisions. These are decisions that have been made but put on hold until some condition is met. 2. Forward Planning:- The term 'planning' implies a consciously directed activity with certain predetermined goals and means to carry them out. It is a deliberate activity. It is a programmed action. Basically planning is concerned with tackling future situations in a systematic manner. Forward planning implies planning in advance for the future. It is associated with deciding the future course of action of a firm. It is prepared on the basis of past and current experience of a firm. It is prepared in the background of uncertain and unpredictable environment and guess work. Future events and happenings cannot be predicted accurately. The success or failure of the future plan depends on a number of factors and forces which are unknown in nature. Much of economic activity is forward looking. Every time we build a new factory, add to the stocks of inputs, trucks, computers or improvements in R&D, our intension is to enhance the future productivity of the firm. Growing firms devote a significant share of their current output to net capital formation to bolster future economic output. A business executive must be sufficiently intelligent enough to think in advance, prepare a sound plan and take all possible precautionary measures to meet all types of challenges of the future business. Hence, forward planning has acquired greater significance in business circles.

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