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Metis was her mother. Her father was Zeus.
Athena's mother was Metis according to some myths. Zeus had sex with her but was scared of the consequences. He swallowed her alive, but it was too late because Metis had already conceived. Eventually Zeus experience a terrible pain; Prometheus, Hephaestus, Hermes, or Palaemon (it depends what version of the myth you read) hammered Zeus' head with a labrys (a double headed axe). Athena then burst out of Zeus' head fully grown and clothed in battle armor.

(Paraphrased from Wikipedia)
Athena's mother is Metis, the Titanness of wisdom.
She doesn't have one. She was born from Zeus' head.

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12y ago

She came out of Zeus's head. so no she did not have a mother.

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14y ago

NO. She was one of the three virgin goddesses. Hestia, Athena, Artemis.

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What is Athena's mother?

Metis was Athena's mother.

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Metis was Athena's mother.

Who is Athena's mother?

Athena's mother is Metis, the Titanness of wisdom.

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In mythology, Athena was never a mother. She was one of the virgin goddesses.

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Athena was the mother which means she isn't virgin. Athena is not virgin at all.

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Where in myths Metis is the mother of Athena, Hera wife of Zeus would then be her "step-mother".

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Athena was actually a virgin goddess like Artemis. She had no children. But Hephaestus attempted to rape her though. However she managed to elude him. His semen was rumored to have fell to the earth which impregnated the earth mother Gaia. From that Erichthonius arose from the ground and Athena became his foster mother on Gaia's wishes hope that helps.

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Athena's mother was Metis

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Athena's father was Zeus. Her mother was Metis.