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Yes, in the Bible Examiner, October 1876 p. 27 in an article entitled "The Gentile Times - When do they End?" Russell wrote:

"the seven times will end in A. D. 1914" and explained this would mark "a time of trouble such as never was before"

The World, then a leading New York City newspaper subsequently reported:

"The terrific war outbreak in Europe has fulfilled an extraordinary prophecy. For a quarter of a century past, through preachers and through press, the 'International Bible Students,' [Jehovah's Witnesses] best known as 'Millennial Dawners,' have been proclaiming to the world that the Day of Wrath prophesied in the Bible would dawn in 1914. 'Look out for 1914!' has been the cry of the hundreds of travelling evangelists [...]

"And in 1914 comes war, the war which everybody dreaded but which everybody thought could not really happen. Rev. Russell is not saying 'I told you so'; and he is not revising the prophecies to suit the current history. [...]." -- The World, New York City, August 30, 1914

The World is not quite correct, however, since Russell was not a prophet, and he never gave any prophecy. He did give his expectations related to Bible time prophecies, but he never spoke as a prophet, nor did claim any authority over fellow believers.

"Now, in view of recent labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in the 1914 date. They say that they do not see how present conditions can hold out so long under the strain.

We see no reason for changing the figures-- nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble. We see no reason for changing from our opinion expressed in the View presented in the WATCH TOWER of Jan. 15, '92. We advise that it be read again." - July 15, 1894 Watchtower, page 226.

Yes, but Russell didn't speak of 1914 as the Jehovah's Witnesses have spoken about it since 1943; indeed, nor as before 1943.

By using the editorial "we" in "we believe", Russell was expressing his own belief that the dates are God's dates. At that time, Russell was still holding the conclusion that he had received from Nelson Barbour, that the time of trouble (Armageddon) had begun 1874 and that would end in 1914. Russell, did not believe in the kind Armageddon that the Jehovah's Witnesses preach.

In 1904, however, Russell rejected the idea that Armageddon had begun in 1874 and would end in 1914, and came to believe that the time of trouble was begin, not end, in 1914. However, here are a handful of statements that he made before 1904:

The Watchtower Reprints, October 1890, p. 1243 The Millennium of peace and blessing would be introduced by forty years of trouble, beginning slightly in 1874 and increasing until social chaos should prevail in 1914…

The Watchtower Reprints, January 15, 1892, p.1355 The date of the close of that 'battle' is definitely marked in Scripture as October, 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October, 1874.

The Watchtower Reprints, October 1890, p. 1243 The Millennium of peace and blessing would be introduced by forty years of trouble, beginning slightly in 1874 and increasing until social chaos should prevail in 1914…

The Watchtower Reprints, July 15, 1894, p. 1677 We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble.

The Watchtower Reprints, September 15, 1901, p. 2876 The culmination of the trouble in October, 1914, is clearly marked in the Scriptures; and we are bound therefore to expect a beginning of that severe trouble not later than 1910; - with severe spasms between now and then.

Now let us examine some of his statements beginning 1904, when he changed his viewpoint related to the time of trouble:

We begin with the announcement of his change of view in 1904:

We now expect that the anarchistic culmination of the great time of trouble which will precede the Millennial blessings will be after October, 1914 A.D.-very speedily thereafter, in our opinion -"in one hour," "suddenly." -- Universal Anarchy: Just Before or After October, 1914 A.D.? ZWT, July 1, 1904, page 197, Reprints 3389,

He plainly states in that article that he had come to believe that the the time of trouble will be "after [not before, as he had previously assumed] October, 1914 A.D." This is the opposite of the view he had held before.

Also in 1904:

It is evident that the coming of universal anarchy after the "harvest," after October 1914 A.D., has nothing whatever to do with either the presence of the Reaper or the setting up of his Kingdom. -- "Fear Not, O Zion", ZWT, August 1, 1904, Beginning on page 229, Reprints 3405.

Evidently a reader misunderstood what Russell said, and thought Russell had changed the "Time of the Gentiles", which he had not. This was presented in The Watchtower Reprints, August 15, 1904, p.3415 Question. - If the 'Times of the Gentiles' can be changed as suggested in the July Tower, so that the anarchy will follow 1914 A.D., instead of preceding it, might not similar changes be made in respect to all the various lines of prophetic time proof set forth in Millennial Dawn, Vols. II and III?

Answer. - You are entirely in error. Not a figure, not a date, not a prophecy is in any sense or degree affected by the article to which you refer. Indeed the harmony and unity of the whole is the more fully demonstrated… The harmony of the prophetic periods of the correctness of out Bible chronology. They fit together like the cog-wheels of a perfect machine. To change the chronology even one year would destroy all this harmony, - so accurately are the various proofs drawn together in the parallels between the Jewish and Gospel ages.

Russell did not change any dates, nor did change any prophecies in the Bible, but he did change his view that the time of trouble had begun in 1874 and that it would end in 1914.

Thus, in October of 1914, Russell stated:

Again, in 1904:

The fourth testimony of the angel respecting the great time of trouble closing "the time of the end" is not yet fulfilled; but on every hand we can see that the precedent conditions are ripening. This fourth feature is expressed in the words, "And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation." From other prophetic Scriptures we glean that this great trouble lies 10 years in the future. It will be ushered in at the expiration of what the Scriptures designate the "times of the Gentiles," October, 1914 A.D. -- "Lessons Drawn From St. Louis Exposition", October 2, 1904, Pittsburgh Gazette.

Here Brother Russell again speaks of that "time of trouble" as not coming before 1914, as he had assumed before his change of viewpoint in 1904, but that it would be "ushered in at the expiration of what the Scriptures designate the 'time of the Gentiles,' October 1914 A.D."

Skipping to 1909, we find Russell saying:

These 2520 years we believe will expire with October, 1914; at that time we believe the Gentile lease of power will expire, and that the God of heaven will set up his Kingdom in Israel. We do not expect universal peace to immediately ensue because Christ is styled the Prince of Peace. On the contrary, to our understanding the collapse of the nations will be through a fierce strife, "a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation," in which "there shall be no peace to him that goeth out, nor to him that cometh in," because God will set every man's hand against his neighbor. Our belief is that the warfare between capital and labor, emperors and peoples, will be short, sharp, decisive, and bring untold calamity upon all concerned. If people could only discern it, they would avoid it, but their eyes are holden; they see not, neither do they understand. All the parties to the conflict are plunging into it, each intent on gaining its point, and each oblivious to its own best interests. -- "Times of the Gentiles", The National Labor Tribune, July 11, 1909.

Brother Russell here shows that he was not expecting universal peace to come in October of 1914 (as he expected before 1904), but rather he was expecing the time of trouble in which "there shall be no peace." It also shows that he was expecting "warfare" to come at that time.

In 1910:

I believe October, 1914, is the time when we may expect that great time of trouble, because it seems to our judgment, as far as we can understand the Scriptures, that is the time when the Gentile period of lease, or tenure, will expire, and when, therefore, we may expect that the time of trouble shall be ushered in; and that time of trouble we understand is the one the Scriptures tell about-a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, a time of trouble which shall overwhelm all sorts of government, and every institution of the present time; and a time of trouble which thus will make ready and prepare mankind for the glorious reign of Christ and his Church, for the blessing and uplifting of all the families of the earth. -- What Pastor Russell Said, Question 555:4 (1910).

Brother Russell again stated that he was expecting (not giving any prophecies) that 1914 will be when the great time of trouble would be "ushered in". This is in contradiction to his earlier statements (before 1904) that the time of trouble was to end, not begin, in 1914. Also in this quote, Russell shows that he did not believe, as Rutherford later claimed, that the time of trouble (Armageddon) would eternally destroy all who opposed him, but rather that this time of trouble would "make ready and prepare mankind... for the blessing and uplifting of all families of the earth."

The Divine Plan of the Ages, 1905, end notes THINGS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW AS CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDENTS


- We are now living in "the Time of the End" of this Gospel age?

- Our epoch is "the Day of God's Preparation" for the Millennial age?

- The "Days of Waiting" are ended and the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary" - the Church, - the separating of its Wheat and Tares, is now in progress?

- This is the reason for the beginning of the Return of Divine Favor to Fleshly Israel - blinded for centuries - to permit the gathering of an elect class from among the Gentiles?

- This favor is gradually taking shape and known as Zionism?

- Immanuel's Kingdom is now in process of establishment?

- The Great Pyramid in Egypt is a Witness to all these event of the ages and of our day - testifying in symbols?

- The Pyramid's downward passage under "A Draconis" symbolizes the course of Sin? Its First Ascending Passage symbolizes the Jewish age? Its grand Gallery symbolized the Gospel age? Its Upper Step symbolized the approaching period of tribulation and anarchy, "Judgments," upon Christendom? Its King's Chamber the Divine Nature, etc., of the Overcoming Church - the Christ, Head and Body? Its Ante-Chamber the Correction in Righteousness of the "Great Company" etc.? Its Queen's Chamber those of Israel and the world who attain Restitution?

All these interesting topics with ten Pyramid illustrations can be had in "Thy Kingdom Come" [Studies in the Scriptures vol III]

Thus above appeared as an advertisement for *Thy Kingdom Come*, in which Russell presented a study related to God's Witness in Egypt (the Great Pyramid) showing how measurements of that Witness corroborate the Bible.

The Time Is at Hand (SS-2), 1907 ed., p. 76-78 In this chapter we will present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men...

Firstly, That at that date the Kingdom of God, for which our Lord taught us to pray, saying, "Thy Kingdom come," will obtain full, universal control, and that it will then be "set up," or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions.

Secondly, It will prove that he whose right it is thus to take the domination will then be present as earth's new Ruler...

Thirdly, It will prove that some time before the end of A.D. 1914 the last member of the divinely recognized Church of Christ, the "royal priesthood," "the body of Christ," will be glorified with the Head...

Fourthly, It will prove that from that time forward Jerusalem shall no longer be trodden down by the Gentiles...

Fifthly, it will prove that by that date, or sooner, Israel's blindness will begin to be turned away...

Sixthly, It will prove that the great "time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation," will reach its culmination in a world-wide reign of anarchy...

Seventhly, It will prove that before that date God's Kingdom, organized in power, will be in the earth and then smite and crush the Gentile image (Dan. 2:34) - and fully consume the power of these kings.

Although this is quoted from 1907 edition, this was actually written in 1889, before Russell changed his view point in 1904. Russell updated some statements in Studies in 1905, but he never did fully update his Studies to reflect his change in 1904. In the 1915 Russell did change one of the statements above to read:

In this chapter we present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that that date will see the disintegration of the rule of imperfect men.

Thy Kingdom Come (Studies in the Scriptures Vol.3) (1908) p.228 That the deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914 is manifest, since the deliverance of fleshly Israel, as we shall see, is appointed to take place at that time, and the angry nations will then be authoritatively commanded to be still, and will be made to recognize the power of Jehovah's Anointed. Just how long before 1914 the last living members of the body of Christ will be glorified, we are not directly informed; but it certainly will not be until their work in the flesh is done; nor can we reasonably presume that they will long remain after that work is accomplished. With these two thought in mind, we can approximate the time of the deliverance.

Paul S. L . Johnson sought to update Russell's Studies to reflect his view in 1904 as well as reflect subsequent developments. Thus his edition of 1937 reads:

Thy Kingdom Come (Studies in the Scriptures Vol.3) (1937) p.228 That the deliverance of the saints will take place some time after 1914 is manifest, since the deliverance of fleshly Israel, as we shall see, is appointed to take place thereafter, and the angry nations will then be authoritatively commanded to be still, and will be made to recognize the power of Jehovah's Anointed. Just how long after 1914 the last living members of the body of Christ will be glorified, we are not directly informed; but it certainly will not be until their work in the flesh is done; nor can we reasonably presume that they will long remain after that work is accomplished. With these two thought in mind, we can approximate the time of the deliverance.

Nevertheless, Russell did not write his statements as being a prophet, or claiming that in presenting his conclusions that they were infallible, etc. Nor was he claiming any kind of authority over fellow believers, as does the JW leadership. He did not seek to disfellowship any who disagreed with him, nor did he claim one had accept what he wrote to be saved, or to be a Christian. Nevertheless, several times, after writing the above in 1890, Russell cautioned that he could be in error in some of this conclusions.

"Our own views are not prophecy, but interpretations of the holy prophets of old." (Watch Tower, October 1890, page 8)

"Neither must you lean upon the DAWN and the TOWER as infallible teachers. If it was proper for the early Christians to prove what they received from the apostles, who were and who claimed to be inspired, how much more important it is that you fully satisfy yourself that these teachings keep closely within their outline instructions and those of our Lord; -- since their author claims no inspiration, but merely the guidance of the Lord, as one used of him in feeding his flock." (Watch Tower, June, 1893)

We are not prophesying; we are merely giving our surmises, the Scriptural basis for which is already in the hands of our readers in the six volumes of SCRIPTURE STUDIES. We do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology. -- Watch Tower, January 1, 1908, page 5.

"I am not a prophet." (What Pastor Russell Said, Q272:1, 1910)

"Some people try to make out that I claim I am infallible, and know everything. You are all witnesses that that is not true." (What Pastor Russell Said, Q14:1, 1911)

The Time Is at Hand (SS-2), 1907, p. 101 The 'battle of the great day of God Almighty' (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced.

This also was originally written before 1904, and does not reflect his change of expectations.

The Watchtower Reprints, January 1, 1914, p. 5373 As already pointed out, we are by no means confident that this year, 1914, will witness as radical and swift changes of dispensation as we have expected.

Russell many times throughout the years of his ministry cautioned that he could be wrong his expectation.

The Watchtower Reprints, September 1, 1914, p. 5527 While it is possible that Armageddon may begin next Spring, yet it is purely speculation to attempt to say just when.

By Armageddon, Russell was speaking of the time of trouble, which he was expecting to come with the end of the Gentile Times. Russell was not referring the Armageddon that the JWs preach. Yes, Russell never claim to know the exact time when the time of trouble was to begin.

The Watchtower Reprints, November 1, 1914, p.5565 Studying God's Word, we have measured the 2520 years, the seven symbolic times, from that year 606 B.C. and have found that it reached down to October, 1914, as nearly as we were able to reckon. We did not say positively that this would be the year.

And then Russell goes on to give some scriptural evidence that the Gentile Times had ended. Ever since 1904, there had been speculation among the Bible Students as to how long after 1914 the time of trouble was last. Russell's answer was that he did not know, but he did present some thoughts of others concerning this. Russell believed that is could last for many years after 1914.

No, not everything he was expecting has happened in the manner he was expecting, but then much that he was expecting has been happening ever since 1914. But whether what he was expecting came about is only important if he had been claiming to be a prophet or claiming some kind of special authority, which he wasn't. From the JW standpoint, however, it is important in that they retroactively claim the organization authority back to his days.

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