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AnswerNo. Albert Einstein said that he was already an atheist himself by the age of twelve, so he is unlikely to have argued the opposite case with his university professor. Also, there is another version of this story, that casts even more doubt on its veracity. In the second version, it was a much younger Einstein who argued with his atheist school teacher. What we see here is an attempt by theists to use the name of a respected scientist to shore up the case for religious belief.
Einstein himself wrote a letter to a friend outlining his position on religion (see Link) which leaves little room for him to be a "man of faith"
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Q: Did Einstein really argue about Science versus God with an atheist professor of philosophy?
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Almost certainly not; the story has been repeated for at least 40 years and probably dates back to the 1920s with variations; sometimes it's the student, sometimes the professor who is the atheist.

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The famous mathematician and physicist, Albert Einstein said that he lost his belief in God when he was twelve. His atheism had no influence on his work or his discoveries. Like any good scientist, he sought the truth, not confirmation of religious belief.

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