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"Powers" that are said to come from the mind are actually spiritual powers, and their source is demons. The Bible tells us to avoid anything that is of the occult. Here is an example of what the Bible says about the occult: There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God, Deuteronomy 18: 10-13 ANSWER

Power has never been given to man to be able to move objects with his mind alone. There are biblical accounts where mountains have been moved out of their place, where seas have been parted but the authority to do this is God given.

As all matter has intelligence, otherwise it would not be able to obey a command. And only one who holds a higher authority can give the power to man to move something, it is not the man, but by the priesthood which he holds. Then the reason to move anything has to be that higher powers reason, and not mans.

When anything is done it is to the glory of God and not for the glorification of man.

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Q: Did God give us the power to perform telekinesis or is it sinful and unholy?
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Does telekinesis really exist?

Telekinesis does exist , there is a varied concept of the power. i for one have many uses for it , i can have the tv remote telepathically handed to me.

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Do the recently dead perform telekinesis?

There is no reason for the recently dead to perform telekinesis (The power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force). As all things, from a grain of sand to the highest mountain are blessed with intelligence, they can only be moved by a higher intelligence. Man has a higher intelligence than all other things on earth, but to be able to command a lesser intelligence to move, or to perform some act, them a higher intelligence than what man possesses must grant them permission to do so.

What are Silver's phycic abilities?

He has telekinesis. It is the power to control things using you mind.

How do you gain the power of telekinsis?

You can't. Telekinesis doesn't exist in real life.

Are psychic powers the same as telekinesis?

No.Psychic 'powers' are the ability to know some aspects of the future either through dreams or visions. Telekinesis is the power of moving things with your mind.

What is it called when you can lift objects with your mind?

It is not possible to have the power to move objects using your brains.

What are some examples of fictional characters that have the power of telekinesis?

Matilda from Roald Dahls book and 1996 film edition has the power of telekinesis. Jean Grey and Psylocke are both female characters portrayed in comic books made under Marvel Comics who also have this power.

What kind of powers does Silver the Hedgehog have?

Silver the hedgehog is from the future, and his primary power is telekinesis: controlling objects with his mind power.

What do you call the power when you can grab things without touching it?

Telekinesis. People are said to have this ability after a tragic accident.

Does mind has kinetic energy?

No, not in the presence of reality. Though many comic would use telekinesis as a super power but no such existence of telekinesis in real life and thus no evidence that mind would possess any quantity of kinetic energy.