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A:The author of John's Gospel certainly knew of the existence of Mark and Luke, as his own gospel was loosely based on those gospels (mainly Luke, but some material is from Mark), but like the author of Luke he seems entirely unaware of the existence of Matthew's Gospel.

John was written to be the gospel of choice in the Johannine community and the synoptic gospels were probably discouraged. Nevertheless the anonymous author of Johnassumed his readers might have known the synoptic gospels, as evidenced by the fact that even when completely changing the synoptic account, he was careful not to directly contradict his sources.

However, there is a difference between possibly knowing of the synoptic gospels and knowing them well enough that John need not tell everything about the life and mission of Jesus. When John omits details found in the synoptic Gospels of Mark and Luke, it was not because the author expected his readers to have found those stories elsewhere, while he focussed on important new information. For example, John omits the nativity story of Luke, but it can be seen elsewhere that the author and his community did not really believe that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

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