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Everyone gets a bruised jaw from wisdom teeth removal. ibuprofen is the best thing to take. Redduces pain swelling and inflammation. If you cannot take ibuprofen take acetominophen (paracetamol in UK) It's not all that unusual to have swelling and pain after extractions, especially wisdom teeth. For swelling use an ice pack. For pain try ibuprofen or Aleve, or see your dentist for a prescripton for a narcotic pain med. They can call in Tylenol with codiene (not that strong) or they can hand write a prescription for oxycodone (Percocet) [can't call in], which is what I would insist on. It's YOUR mouth. I believe that the degree of pain and swelling is directly related to the experience and competence of the Dentist, so don't fall for "take two Tylenol, you'll be fine". I had ALL FOUR wisdom teeth out at once and had almost no swelling. Two Percocet and back to work that day. THAT'S a GOOD dentist. My brother had his out by some hack dentist in the Navy and his face was the size of a Basketball for 3-4 days. THAT'S not a GOOD dentist. Bruising and swelling after having wisdom teeth removed is quite common, depending on the skill of your dentist. A good dentist will cause less bruising and swelling. I took panadol forte, which is okay, but you need to eat something when taking it, otherwise you will feel dizzy and may faint, unfortunately the last thing I felt like doing after having wisdom tooth surgery was eating. Ask your dentist, if you have a good one, they should brief you fully and provide post surgery advice and support. Use ice packs the day of the surgery and take the pain killers drungs that were prescribed by your dentist, preferably non-ŝteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Bruising and Swelling is not always dependant on the skill of the dentist. My brother and I went to the same one and I was much more swollen than him. This is because the tooth had grown into the jaw bone more so he had to drill mine out. This is very common.

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Q: Did anyone else get bruised around the jaw after getting their wisdom teeth out and if so what did you do for the pain and swelling?
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