

Did blue peter have chipmunk on their show?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Did blue peter have chipmunk on their show?
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Blue Peter, a childrens show named after the flag that is raised when a ship leaves a harbor, was created with a 180 pound budget and ideas from the kids that watched the show.

What is Blue Peter?

Blue Peter is a children show that airs in the U.K. It has the distinction of being THE longest running children's show in the world having debuted in 1958 and producing episodes to this day.

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Blue Peter. It's the longest running children's show in the world.

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no one really knows where PETER comes up with the names that he doesbecause PETER is weird and sillybecause when PETER saw the chipmunk it for some reason (no one knows why) it reminded him of JIM from the officebecause he didn't know what it meant yet and he just thought of Jim (by the way it usually means JAMES)

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You have to save someone's life or show extreme courage.

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Their is no Blue Peter annual this year according to former Blue Peter editor Richard Marson.

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The ship is called Blue Peter

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Peter Blue Cloud was born in 1935.

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Blue Peter - band - was created in 1978.

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By raising the blue peter flag

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The first blue Peter dog was 'Petra'