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from the book - Products and Advertising in the Massachusetts Industrial Age - by Chaim M. Rosenberg

Vulcanized rubber found many commercial uses, not least in the footwear industry. In 1853, Elisha Slade Converse and his older brother James formed the Boston Rubber Shoe Company in the village of Malden, a few miles north of Boston. The company made rubber shoes and rubber overshoes for the winter slush. It grew to 3,500 workers and became the largest employer in the town. In 1882, Elisha Converse was elected the first mayor of Malden. His generosity to the town is seen in the First Baptist Church and the Converse Public Library, which he funded. In 1908, Malden became the home of a second rubber shoe company. It was founded by Marquis Mills, who took his mother's last name, Converse, and called his company the Converse Rubber Shoe Company, no doubt to capitalize on the famous name. Converse Rubber Shoe grew with the expanding interest in sports. The Converse Rubber line of sports shoes included the Chuck Taylor All Star Basketball sneaker. Both the Boston Rubber Shoe and the Converse Rubber Shoe companies were later bought out by larger firms, and the shoemaking finally left Malden in the 1930s.

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Q: Did marquis mills converse invent converse?
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Who was the founder of converse?

Marquis Mills Converse, the founder of Converse

Who are Marquis Mills Converse's parents?

Marquis Mills Converse's parents were Solomon Converse and Marinda Melissa Phinney.

Where did marquis mills converse grow up?

Marquis Mills Converse, the founder of Converse shoes, grew up in Malden, Massachusetts.

What company did Marquis Mills Converse work at before Converse?

Marquis Mills Converse worked for Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe store before he founded the Converse Rubber shoe company

When was marquis mills converse born?

Marquis M. Converse was born the 23 of October of 1861. :)

When did Marquis M Converse invent Converse shoes?

he has a sence of style...

What was Marquis Mills Converse life like before he made the Converse shoes?

Marquis Mills Converse worked for Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe store before he founded the Converse Rubber shoe company, if that is what you mean? hope it helps!

Chuck Taykor Converse inventor biography?

Chuck Taylor did not invent Converse shoes, but he played a key role in their design and promotion. He was a famous basketball player who joined the Converse company in 1921 and helped improve their All-Star basketball shoe. His signature was added to the ankle patch in 1932, leading to the iconic Chuck Taylor All Star design that remains popular today.

Why did marquis m converse invent converse?

he sliped and fell and hurt himself because his shoes did not have a grip which then he created all star ruber converes

What was the first company to manufacture converse?

1908: Marquis Mills Converse founds the Converse Rubber Shoe Company in Malden, MA.

Were converse invented before vans?

According to the Van website, they have been making shoes since 1966. However, Marquis Mills Converse started his rubber sole shoe company in 1908 according to the Converse website.

What school did Marquis Mills Converse go to?

He went to david l walker intermidiate <3 that is the school i go 2 <3 (: