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Not at all. My father was very autoritarian and spanked me until I turned 12. I never talk back to my parents. If you let your child having his way, well you're asking for trouble when he will enter puberty.

Here my suggestion:

1. Don't be affraid of spanking your child, he'll thank you later, as I did;

2. Never give a free yes, ask what he has done for that yes;

3. Don't abuse of your authority, he need some freedom too;

4. At lunch time, ask some easy scholar question and give him his food on a good answer, helped me a lot in math (you need three part to make a goblet, how many part do we need for each one have a goblet? (5 family member));

5. The most important one, spend time with him, even if he's in puberty.

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Q: Did you know the authoritarian parenting style is the worst for your child?
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How many type of parenting?

2 types: mean like never teaching or speaking to the child or nice like teaching and speaking to the child There are ENDLESS different ways to parent a child. Get out in the world and look around. Some are good, some are bad, some depend on the opinions of the viewer. There are people who really don't care about the child they brought into the world, but don't put them up for adoption or foster care for whatever personal reasons (oftentimes peer pressure or financial gain), and they do the bare minimum to keep the child alive, and sometimes less. There are some who care the world for their child and do everything in their power to ensure that their child has a good life -- this can be good or bad depending on whether the parent knows good boundaries. There are limitless in-betweens. Numerous factors come in to how a parent chooses to raise a child. Consult some parents you know on what their views on parenting are so you can see some different ways firsthand.

What would you enjoy about parenting?

I love the affection you get from parenting. On your worst day your child makes everything better. They usually don't see your faults and don't criticize when you put on a few pounds. They love you for you and you love them forthem.... unconditional love!

How does a family's child rearing practices influence a child's development?

Of the four parenting styles, the authoritative style is the gold standard. Authoritative parents achieve the right balance of warmth and approval, they are responsive to a child's needs, and explain the reasons that discipline might be in order. In other words, authoritative parents are affectionate and engaged with their child but they also set limits and enforce consequences when the child misbehaves. Children raised by authoritative parents are likely to be happy, kind children who can solve problems on their own and who are self-motivated and confident, and they are usually excellent students. Authoritarian parents favor strict discipline. They tend to have many household rules, which they expect their children to obey. They are consistent with discipline if their child misbehaves. But authoritarian parents don't believe they need to offer a reason. The answer, "Because I said so," characterizes this parenting style. Authoritarian parents are less affectionate than authoritative ones and some withdraw love to get their child to obey. Children raised by authoritarian parents tend to be moody and anxious, but are typically well behaved, and they are usually average to good students. Permissive parents typically display a lot of love and affection for their children but maintain and enforce few if any rules. Many permissive parents want to be friends with their child. When they ask their child to do something, such as getting ready for bed, they typically end the request with, "OK?" If the child doesn't get ready for bed, the permissive parent might play with the child until she's ready to go. Children raised by permissive parents tend to be demanding and whiny. They become easily frustrated when things don't go their way, and they lack empathy and kindness for others. They are usually average to poor students. Uninvolved parents are low on being responsive to a child's needs and low on controlling and disciplining a child. Parents on the worst extreme of this style neglect their children or reject them completely. These parents do not have a strong emotional bond with their child, they aren't involved in their child's life, and if they provide discipline, it's inconsistent and unpredictable. Children raised by uninvolved parents tend to be clingy and needy. They might be rude or act in unsuitable ways away from home. They tend to get into trouble with teachers or with the law and are usually poor students.

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the worst child of zeus and hera is ares

What are bad things about foster parenting?

Well The child Might have been through alot. so they might be distant at first.if not forever. but if it is short time foster care...the worst is giving up a child you fall in love with. Any more questions? Email me at

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well, i heard that the worst time of child abuse was in the 1980's that i learned in school I hoe that helps good enough

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jobs were dangerous

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i am pretty sure child labor is worst in India and places in Africa

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That is a matter of opinion. It depends on the style someone likes.

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A dead child's body.

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