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Functional products are staples that people buy in a wide range of retail outlets. Typically, they do not change much over time, have low profit margins, stable predictable demand and long life cycles. Innovative products, on the other hand, give customers additional reasons to buy. Fashionable clothes and personal computers are examples of innovative products. Innovative products have short life cycles, high profit margins, and volatile demand.

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Q: Difference between functional and innovative products?
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Which is the main difference between perfect competition and monopolistic competition?

In monopolistic competition, sellers can profit from the differences between their products and other products.

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What is the difference between a production concept and product concept?

AnswerTo me the difference lies in what is being produced. A product conceptwould be an idea for an item or product. A production concept would be the concept conceived for creating the product.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Production Concept-consumers favor products that are available and highly affordable-improve production and distribution-also known as manufacturing conceptProduct Concept-consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance, and innovative features

What is the difference between buyer and purchaser?

The difference between the two lies in who will benefit from the purchasingIndividuals who shop for products for the purpose of reselling them, such as retail clothing outlets and stores are generally referred to as buyers.Purchasers shop for products which are to be used by the company or organization employing them, they need to be negotiate the price, the delivery dates, and to have a good acknowledgement of the products.

What is a difference between marketing and retailing?

retailing is selling the products and services from one particular point and marketing is creating the demand for the products and services and then selling them in the market.

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