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There is one disinfectant that I think works and is safe and that is definitely Purell. They make hand sanitizers and even soap-less whipes that I love. The second choice is lysol, but I don't trust it as much since it is an aerosol.

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12y ago

No, disinfectants are too powerful and often toxic to be used on living tissue. They are usually used on floors, tabletops, bathroom surfaces, etc. Antiseptics, on the other hand, are used for the purpose of killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on living surfaces.

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Q: Can Disinfectants be used on living tissue?
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What are difference between antiseptics and disinfectants?

antiseptics are used on living tissue disinfectants are used on non-living things disinfectants are also much stronger and are too toxic to be used on living tissue

Why can't disinfectants used to clean skin?

Disinfectants kill or inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Most disinfectants are too harsh to be applied to living tissue, and are applied only to inanimate surfaces. Ammonia, ethanol, and bleach are examples of widely used disinfectants.

What is the difference between antisepticsand disinfectants?

Disinfectants are antibacterial agents that are applied to inorganic surfaces. They should generally be distinguished from antiseptics that destroy pathogens on living tissue.

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antiseptics are less powerfull than disinfectants and are safe to use on living tissues

Briefly discuss disinfection and antisepsis in relation to patient care?

Disinfectants are applied to non-living objects to destroy microorganisms that are living there, such as machines or objects in a patient's room. Disinfection does not necessarily kill all microorganisms, especially resistant bacterial spores; it is less effective than sterilization. Disinfectants are different from antiseptics, which destroy microorganisms on living tissue.

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Antiseptics are used on living tissues to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, while disinfectants are used on surfaces to kill or inactivate microorganisms. Antiseptics are generally safe for use on skin, whereas disinfectants may be too harsh for use on skin. Antiseptics are typically used for wound cleaning, while disinfectants are used for cleaning surfaces in healthcare settings.

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because it is and that is why

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An agent which is used to kill or prevant growth of micro orgnism

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Is parenchyma a dead tissue?

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